A great activity for everyone

Lego Loft

Build the Best Lego Loft and Test Your Teamwork Skills!

Lego Loft
By Jon Zajac

What is Lego Loft?

The Lego Loft icebreaker is an engaging and dynamic activity that I use to foster creativity, collaboration, and communication among participants. The purpose of this exercise is to help individuals get to know each other in a fun and interactive way while also encouraging teamwork and problem-solving skills.

During the Lego Loft icebreaker, participants are divided into small groups and given a set of Lego bricks. Their challenge is to build a “loft” or upper level within a designated space using only the Lego pieces provided. The loft must be sturdy enough to support a mini-figure, which is also provided.

This activity requires participants to think creatively, communicate effectively, and work together to achieve a common goal. It encourages active listening, negotiation, and compromise as group members discuss and debate their ideas. The resulting Lego lofts are unique and visually interesting, providing a tangible representation of the group’s collective creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Overall, the Lego Loft icebreaker is an excellent way to build relationships, foster collaboration, and encourage creative thinking in a fun and engaging setting.

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Rules for Lego Loft

  1. Provide each participant with a set of Lego bricks.
  2. Instruct participants to build a model that represents themselves without talking.
  3. Set a time limit, typically around 5-10 minutes.
  4. Once the building time is up, have participants present their models and explain how it represents them.
  5. Encourage active listening and asking questions during the presentations.
  6. No criticism or negative comments are allowed.
  7. Respect everyone’s creations and interpretations.
  8. The activity facilitator should guide the flow of the game, making sure everyone gets a chance to speak and share.
  9. Participants can ask for clarification about the rules but should not receive help in building their models.
  10. Encourage creativity and self-expression.
  11. Have fun!

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Materials needed for Lego Loft

  • Lego set: I use the Lego Classic Medium Creative Brick Box for this icebreaker, as it contains a variety of Lego pieces that can be used to build different objects. This set includes 484 pieces, allowing for creativity and imagination in building.
  • Timer: A timer is essential for this icebreaker, as it sets the time limit for each round of building. I use a basic kitchen timer, but any type of timer will work.
  • List of words or phrases: I prepare a list of words or phrases related to teamwork and collaboration, such as “communication,” “problem-solving,” and “creativity.” This list serves as the basis for each round of building.
  • Dice: A six-sided dice is used to randomly select which word or phrase from the list will be the focus of each round of building.
  • Paper and pen: I provide paper and pen for participants to take notes on their observations and reflections about the icebreaker. This can help facilitate discussion and reflection after the activity is complete.

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Setting up for Lego Loft

To set up for the Lego Loft icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a spacious room with enough table and floor space to accommodate all participants. The room should be well-lit and free from distractions.
  2. Divide the room into smaller areas using tables, chairs, or partitions. This will create intimate spaces for teams to work together during the activity.
  3. Set up a central area where you can display the finished Lego structures. Make sure this area is visible to all participants.
  4. Provide enough chairs around each table for all team members. Ensure that the chairs are comfortable and allow for easy movement.
  5. Decide on the specific rules and goals of the activity. Write these down on a flipchart or whiteboard, so they are clearly visible to everyone.
  6. Prepare any necessary materials, such as timers, scorecards, or name tags. These should be easily accessible during the activity.
  7. Test all equipment, such as laptops, projectors, and sound systems, to ensure that they are working correctly.
  8. Assign facilitators or team leaders to each table to help guide the activity and answer any questions.
  9. Finally, create a welcoming atmosphere by adding decorations, music, or other elements that reflect the theme of the icebreaker activity. This will help participants feel comfortable and engaged in the activity.

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How to play Lego Loft

  1. Gather the Lego Loft icebreaker set: Make sure you have all the necessary Lego pieces included in the Loft icebreaker set. This usually includes various-colored Lego bricks, base plates, and build instructions.
  2. Divide participants into small groups: Ideally, groups should consist of 3-5 people for better collaboration. If you have a larger group, consider dividing them into multiple subgroups.
  3. Distribute Lego Loft sets to each group: Hand out one Lego Loft set to each group, ensuring all members have equal access to the pieces.
  4. Review build instructions: Allow group members to familiarize themselves with the build instructions and clarify any questions or concerns before starting the activity.
  5. Set a time limit: Establish a clear time frame for building the Loft, typically around 15-30 minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the model.
  6. Encourage communication and teamwork: Remind participants to work together, share ideas, and assign different roles (e.g., builder, designer, quality controller) as needed.
  7. Begin building: Once everyone understands the task, start the timer and let group members engage in creative problem-solving and collaboration while constructing their Loft.
  8. Facilitate discussion: While groups are building, prompt them with questions related to their experience, such as:
    • What strategies are you using to work together effectively?
    • How do you handle disagreements or differing opinions?
    • What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them?
  9. Review the final product: After the time limit expires, have each group present their Loft and share what they learned from the experience.
  10. Reflect on the activity as a whole group: Facilitate a discussion about the importance of teamwork, communication, and problem-solving in various settings, using the Lego Loft icebreaker as an example.

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Benefits of Lego Loft

  • Encourages creativity: I can build and customize my own unique Lego model, which allows me to express myself and think outside the box.
  • Promotes teamwork: By working together in small groups to build a shared Lego model, I can improve my ability to collaborate and communicate with others.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills: The activity of building with Legos requires me to plan, experiment, and make adjustments as I go along, helping me to develop my critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Reduces stress: Engaging in a hands-on, creative activity like building with Legos can help me relax and reduce feelings of anxiety or tension.
  • Increases focus and concentration: The process of building with Legos requires me to pay attention to details and stay focused on the task at hand, which can improve my ability to concentrate in other areas of life as well.
  • Boosts self-confidence: Completing a Lego model and sharing it with others can give me a sense of accomplishment and pride, helping me to feel more confident in my abilities.

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Skills built with Lego Loft

  • Communication: Playing the Lego Loft icebreaker requires participants to clearly communicate their ideas and instructions to one another in order to successfully build their designated structure. This helps to improve overall communication skills as players must actively listen, speak clearly and effectively, and work together to complete the task.
  • Collaboration: The Lego Loft icebreaker encourages teamwork and collaboration as participants must work together to build a structure using limited resources. This activity promotes cooperation, problem-solving, and negotiation skills as players must come to a consensus on how to approach building their design.
  • Creativity: Building with Legos allows for endless possibilities and opportunities for creativity. The Lego Loft icebreaker encourages participants to think outside the box and use their imagination to create unique structures within a set amount of time. This activity promotes creative thinking, innovation, and experimentation.
  • Patience: Working on a team to build a structure can be challenging and may require patience as players work through different ideas and approaches. The Lego Loft icebreaker helps participants develop patience and persistence as they work towards completing their project.
  • Problem-solving: Building with Legos often requires players to think critically and solve problems in order to successfully construct their design. The Lego Loft icebreaker encourages players to use their problem-solving skills to work through challenges and obstacles that arise during the building process. This activity promotes critical thinking, resourcefulness, and adaptability.
  • Time management: With a limited amount of time to build their structure, participants must manage their time effectively in order to complete their project on schedule. The Lego Loft icebreaker helps players develop time management skills as they prioritize tasks and work efficiently to meet the deadline.

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Why I like Lego Loft

I enjoy the Lego Loft icebreaker because it is a fun and interactive way to get to know others in a group setting. The activity involves building a structure out of Legos with a team, which allows for creativity and collaboration. It also helps to reveal each person’s communication style, problem-solving skills, and ability to work in a team.

Additionally, the use of Legos appeals to my sense of nostalgia and playfulness. The activity is simple enough that anyone can participate, yet it still offers a challenge and requires critical thinking. This makes it an inclusive and engaging icebreaker for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Another reason why I like the Lego Loft icebreaker is that it encourages active listening and constructive feedback. As team members work together to build their structure, they must communicate effectively and listen carefully to each other’s ideas. This helps to foster a positive and supportive group dynamic.

Overall, the Lego Loft icebreaker is an effective and enjoyable way to break the ice, encourage collaboration, and build connections within a group. Its playful and engaging nature makes it a memorable experience that leaves a lasting impression on participants.

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Tips for making Lego Loft more inclusive

  • Provide a variety of Lego kits: I make sure to have a selection of Lego kits that cater to different interests and skill levels. This way, everyone can find something they enjoy building and feel successful doing so.
  • Encourage collaboration: Instead of having people build their Lego models individually, I suggest working in pairs or small groups. This encourages communication and helps people get to know each other better.
  • Create a safe and welcoming environment: I make sure the space is well-lit, quiet, and comfortable, with plenty of room for people to move around. I also use positive and inclusive language when facilitating the activity.
  • Offer modifications: For those who may have difficulty building with Legos due to physical limitations, I provide alternatives such as larger Duplo blocks or foam pieces. This ensures everyone can participate and feel included.
  • Avoid making assumptions: I avoid making assumptions about people’s interests or abilities based on their appearance or background. Instead, I invite everyone to share what they’re excited to build and offer support as needed.
  • Emphasize process over product: Rather than focusing on creating a perfect model, I encourage participants to enjoy the building process and be proud of their unique creations. This takes the pressure off and allows people to relax and have fun.

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Reflection questions for Lego Loft

  1. What did you enjoy most about building your LEGO structure? This question can help participants reflect on what they found enjoyable or engaging about the activity, which can be useful for facilitators to understand what aspects of an icebreaker were successful.
  2. How well do you think your team was able to communicate and collaborate during this activity? This question can help participants reflect on their teamwork skills and how well they were able to work together to complete the task. It can also provide insights for facilitators on areas where teams may need improvement.
  3. Did you face any challenges while building your structure, and if so, how did you overcome them? This question can help participants reflect on any obstacles they encountered during the activity and how they were able to work through them. It can also give facilitators insight into the problem-solving abilities of participants.
  4. How does this activity relate to our larger goals or theme for the day/event? This question can help participants make connections between the icebreaker activity and the broader context of the event or meeting they are attending. It can also help facilitators tie together different elements of the agenda and reinforce key takeaways.
  5. What did you learn about yourself or others during this activity? This question can help participants reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of their team members. It can also encourage self-awareness and empathy among participants.
  6. If you could do this activity again, what would you do differently? This question can help participants think critically about their approach to the activity and how they might improve upon it in the future. It can also provide valuable feedback for facilitators on how to modify or improve the icebreaker for future use.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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