A great activity for everyone


Uncover Unique Shared Experiences in this Fast-Paced Icebreaker Game

By Jon Zajac

What is Similarities?

The Similarities icebreaker is a competitive game that encourages teams to find commonalities between their members. The purpose of this activity is to promote inclusion and connection among participants, making it an ideal choice for groups of 8 years old and above. This game is flexible and can accommodate medium-sized groups as well as large groups of 20+ people, who can be divided into smaller teams.

In the Similarities icebreaker, each team works together to discover at least six similarities that every member shares. The game fosters active conversation and helps participants learn more about one another beyond physical attributes like height or hair color. This engaging and meaningful interaction creates lasting bonds between team members.

The game is typically played as a race, with teams striving to identify their six shared similarities before the others. When time expires or all teams have completed the task, the team that has found the most similarities first is declared the winner. Alternatively, the facilitator can instruct the entire group to form teams based on various categories, creating a quick icebreaker for large gatherings with no designated winner.

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Rules for Similarities

  1. Divide the group into teams of about 5 people each, with at least 4 teams and a minimum of 4 members per team.
  2. Instruct each team to find at least 6 things that every group member has in common.
  3. Similarities should not include physical attributes such as height or hair color.
  4. The game is played as a race, with the goal to come up with 6 similarities before other teams.
  5. The game ends once every team has identified 6 similarities or when the set time expires.
  6. In the alternative version, form teams based on categories of shared things, such as favorite colors or least favorite movies.
  7. In the regular version, the winning team is the one that identifies 6 similarities first.
  8. In the alternative version, there is no real winner and it serves as a simple icebreaker for large groups.

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Materials needed for Similarities

Here are the materials needed to play the Similarities icebreaker game:

  • Paper: This is optional and can be used by each team to record their similarities.
  • Writing utensil: Also optional, this can be used along with the paper for recording similarities.

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Setting up for Similarities

To set up for the Similarities icebreaker activity, there is no specific material setup required as the game involves only discussions among participants. However, from the provided information, the setup for the Similarities game would involve:

  1. Deciding on the size and number of teams based on the total number of participants, keeping in mind that each team should ideally have about 5 people and there should be a minimum of 4 teams with at least 4 people per team.
  2. Considering any specific guidelines for finding similarities between team members, such as excluding physical traits like height or hair color to encourage more meaningful conversations and promote inclusion.
  3. Setting up the game as a race or time-limited activity, where each team is competing to come up with their 6 similarities before the others. Alternatively, preparing for the alternative version of the game by deciding on the categories for grouping participants based on shared interests or preferences.
  4. Determining the criteria for winning the game in the regular version, which is awarded to the team that identifies 6 similarities they all share more quickly than the other teams. In the alternative game, there is no real winner as it serves as a simple and quick icebreaker activity for large groups.

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How to play Similarities

  1. Divide the group into teams: I like to divide the group into teams of about 5 people each, making sure there are at least 4 different teams with a minimum of 4 people per team. For larger groups, consider splitting into smaller teams to promote inclusivity and encourage active participation.
  2. Instruct teams to find similarities: I tell each team to talk amongst themselves and find out at least 6 things that every single group member has in common. To make the game more engaging and meaningful, avoid allowing teams to use simple physical traits like height or hair color as similarities.
  3. Set a time limit (optional): Although the game can be played without a timer, setting a time limit can add an element of excitement and competition. Make sure every team has enough time to find their 6 similarities while encouraging quick thinking and decision-making.
  4. Encourage non-physical traits: Focusing on non-physical traits allows participants to learn more about each other and form lasting connections. By engaging in active conversations based on shared interests, values, or experiences, teams can promote inclusion and foster a positive environment.
  5. Announce the winning team (regular version): In the standard game, the winner is the first team to identify 6 similarities they all share. Be sure to acknowledge each team’s efforts and celebrate their unique connections.
  6. Play the alternative icebreaker game (optional): If time is limited or you have a very large group, consider using the alternative version of this icebreaker. Instruct participants to form teams based on shared categories like favorite colors or least favorite movies. This simple icebreaker activity can help break the ice and encourage interaction in large groups.

By following these instructions, I’ve found that the Similarities icebreaker game is an engaging way to bring people together and promote inclusivity and active conversations.

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Benefits of Similarities

  • Encourages teamwork and communication: By working together to find commonalities, team members learn to communicate effectively and collaborate towards a shared goal.
  • Promotes active listening and empathy: In order to identify similarities, team members must actively listen to one another’s experiences and perspectives, fostering empathy and understanding.
  • Facilitates relationship building: By discovering shared interests and experiences, participants can form connections with others, making it an effective icebreaker for groups of strangers or acquaintances.
  • Enhances self-awareness: The process of identifying commonalities encourages individuals to reflect on their own unique qualities and characteristics.
  • Encourages creative thinking: By limiting the types of similarities allowed, teams are encouraged to think creatively and critically about what they have in common.
  • Adaptable for various group sizes and ages: The simplicity and flexibility of the game make it suitable for groups of all ages and sizes, whether as a quick icebreaker or a more substantial team-building activity.

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Skills built with Similarities

  • Communication skills: Playing the Similarities icebreaker requires participants to effectively communicate with one another in order to find commonalities. This helps build their ability to express their thoughts clearly and listen actively.
  • Teamwork: The game encourages teamwork as players must work together to come up with a list of similarities. This promotes collaboration, cooperation, and builds relationships among the group members.
  • Critical thinking: By challenging participants to think beyond physical attributes, the game stimulates critical thinking skills. Players need to analyze their own interests, experiences, and values to identify less obvious commonalities with their teammates.
  • Inclusion and empathy: The Similarities icebreaker fosters an inclusive environment by encouraging players to look for shared characteristics that go beyond superficial differences. This helps build empathy as participants gain a better understanding of their teammates’ perspectives and experiences.
  • Time management: Since the game is played as a race, teams must manage their time effectively to come up with their list of similarities before the other groups. This teaches players to prioritize tasks and make decisions under pressure.
  • Self-awareness: The game requires participants to reflect on their own interests, preferences, and values in order to find commonalities with others. This promotes self-awareness and helps individuals understand their own strengths and weaknesses better.

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Why I like Similarities

I appreciate the Similarities icebreaker game because it is a straightforward and engaging activity that encourages group members to connect on a deeper level. By finding commonalities with their teammates, participants can foster inclusivity and create lasting bonds. I also like that this game requires no materials, making it a convenient option for various settings. The flexibility of forming teams based on different categories adds another layer of fun and customization to the game. Overall, the Similarities icebreaker is an effective and adaptable way to promote interaction and camaraderie among groups.

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Tips for making Similarities more inclusive

  • Tip: Before starting the game, encourage participants to listen actively and respectfully to their teammates’ experiences and perspectives.
  • Tip: Make sure to establish clear guidelines about what kinds of similarities are allowed, and consider prohibiting physical traits to foster deeper connections.
  • Tip: If you notice that certain teams are struggling to find commonalities, suggest broader categories or prompt them with open-ended questions.
  • Tip: Be sensitive to the diversity of your group and avoid topics that may make some participants feel excluded or uncomfortable.
  • Tip: As a facilitator, model inclusive behavior by acknowledging and valuing all contributions, and encouraging team members to do the same.
  • Tip: Consider assigning roles within each team (such as timekeeper, scribe, or cheerleader) to ensure that everyone has an active part in the game.
  • Tip: After the game, take a few moments to reflect on what was learned and how it can be applied to promote inclusion and diversity in your group’s interactions.

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Reflection questions for Similarities

  1. What was that experience like for you? This question can help participants reflect on their emotions during the game and consider why they felt that way.
  2. Did you learn anything new about your teammates? By asking this, facilitators encourage participants to think about how they’ve deepened their understanding of others in the group.
  3. How did it feel to search for non-physical similarities? This question can help participants reflect on the value of getting to know someone beyond superficial characteristics.
  4. What strategies did your team use to find commonalities? Asking this encourages participants to think about effective communication and collaboration techniques.
  5. How might you apply what you’ve learned from this game to other group activities or projects? This question can help participants consider how building connections with others can benefit their work together moving forward.
  6. Did any moments stand out to you during the game? Why? By asking this, facilitators give participants an opportunity to share memorable experiences and reflect on why they were significant.
  7. What challenges did your team face while playing, and how did you overcome them? This question encourages participants to think about problem-solving strategies and resilience in the face of obstacles.
  8. How do you feel about the connections you’ve made during this game? Asking this can help participants reflect on the importance of building relationships with others and fostering a sense of community.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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