A great activity for everyone

Video Scavenger Hunt

Get your team pumped with an exhilarating Video Scavenger Hunt!

Video Scavenger Hunt
By Jon Zajac

What is Video Scavenger Hunt?

The Video Scavenger Hunt is an engaging and interactive icebreaker activity designed to foster teamwork, creativity, and friendly competition. This dynamic event involves creating small teams and providing them with a list of video challenges that they must complete. The tasks can range from simple activities like showcasing a unique talent to more complex riddles leading to specific items or locations. The primary purpose of this icebreaker is to promote camaraderie, foster creativity, and offer a fun and entertaining experience for all participants.

As the organizer, I carefully plan the Video Scavenger Hunt by setting clear objectives, choosing an appropriate format (in-person or virtual), forming diverse teams, and crafting a list of creative challenges tailored to my goals. The hunt takes place in a series of stages that include a kickoff meeting, the scavenger hunt itself, and video submission. Afterward, I review and score the submissions, debrief participants, share highlights, and announce winners for various categories, promoting an inclusive and enjoyable atmosphere throughout the entire event.

By leveraging video conferencing tools and adapting challenges to suit virtual environments, the Video Scavenger Hunt can be successfully conducted in remote settings as well. The key to a memorable and successful icebreaker lies in the enthusiasm and participation of everyone involved, coupled with thoughtful planning that takes inclusivity and accessibility into account. Ultimately, this engaging activity fosters long-lasting memories, strengthens relationships, and provides participants with a welcome break from routine.

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Rules for Video Scavenger Hunt

  1. All teams must consist of 3-5 members.
  2. Participants should complete tasks and capture video evidence.
  3. Teams are required to stay within any designated geographical boundaries.
  4. Time limits for task completion will be enforced.
  5. Video submissions must be shared on the predetermined platform.
  6. Points will be awarded based on pre-established criteria, including creativity and completion of tasks.
  7. Rule infractions may result in penalties.
  8. Teams should not endanger themselves or others while completing challenges.
  9. All participants must adhere to local laws and regulations during the scavenger hunt.
  10. Submitted videos must not contain any explicit, offensive, or illegal content.
  11. The decision of the organizers or judges regarding scores and winners is final.

For Virtual Scavenger Hunts: 12. Participants must have access to a reliable internet connection and video conferencing tools. 13. Challenges will focus on items found at home or online tasks, avoiding any potential privacy concerns.

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Materials needed for Video Scavenger Hunt

  • Smartphones or cameras: Participants will need a device to capture video footage of their challenges.
  • Access to a sharing platform: Depending on the format chosen, participants will need access to a social media group, dedicated app, or file-sharing service for submitting their videos.
  • List of challenges: A well-curated list of creative, fun, and potentially educational tasks is essential for the success of the scavenger hunt. Make sure it aligns with your objectives and format (in-person or virtual).
  • Video conferencing tool (for virtual hunts): Using a platform like Zoom or Microsoft Teams can help manage the kickoff meeting, wrap-up session, and any real-time communication during the scavenger hunt.
  • Optional: Prizes for winners: To add an extra layer of excitement, consider offering prizes for various categories such as “Best Video”, “Most Creative Idea”, or “Team Spirit Award”.

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Setting up for Video Scavenger Hunt

To set up the Video Scavenger Hunt icebreaker activity, focus on these critical steps in the preparation phase:

  1. Define Objective(s): Clearly outline the purpose of the scavenger hunt, whether it’s fostering teamwork, encouraging creativity, or simply having fun. This will guide your planning process.

  2. Choose Format: Decide if the scavenger hunt will take place in-person or virtually, as this will influence how you plan tasks and challenges.

  3. Team Formation: Divide participants into small groups of 3-5 members, ensuring diversity for enhanced creativity and varied strengths.

  4. Develop the List of Challenges: Create an engaging list of items or tasks that participants must find or do, capturing video evidence. Tailor the complexity and type of challenges based on your objectives.

  5. Sharing Medium Setup: Select a platform for sharing video footage, such as a group on a social media channel, a dedicated app, or a file-sharing service.

  6. Clarify the Rules and Scoring: Establish clear rules, time limits, geographical boundaries (if any), and sharing instructions. Define scoring criteria, including points per task, bonus points for creativity, or rule infraction penalties.

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How to play Video Scavenger Hunt

1. Define Clear Objectives
Decide on the objectives of the scavenger hunt. Is it for fun, to teach something, or perhaps to help team members get to know each other better? Define clear objectives to tailor the scavenger hunt to meet your goals.

2. Choose Between In-Person and Virtual Formats
Decide whether the hunt will be held in-person or virtually. The format may impact how you plan tasks and challenges.

3. Create Diverse Teams
Split participants into small groups of 3-5 members. Diverse grouping can enhance creativity, allowing team members with different strengths to shine.

4. Develop a List of Creative Challenges
Create a list of creative, fun, and potentially educational items or tasks the participants need to find or do. They should capture these in video format. Depending on your objectives, these can range from simple tasks like “Find someone demonstrating a unique talent” to more complex riddles leading to specific locations or items.

5. Set Up a Sharing Platform
Choose a platform for sharing the video footage. This could be a group on a social media channel, a dedicated app, or a file-sharing service, depending on your equipment and requirements.

6. Clarify Rules and Scoring
Before starting, clarify the rules to the participants. Mention time limits, geographical boundaries (if any), and how the videos should be shared. Add details on scoring, like points per completed task, bonus points for creativity, or penalties for rule infractions.

7. Host a Kickoff Meeting
Start with a brief meeting to clarify the goals, introduce teams, and ensure everyone understands the rules. This is also when the challenges are revealed to the teams.

8. Allow Adventure Time
Teams embark on the scavenger hunt, capturing video evidence of each task. Encourage creativity—not only in completing tasks but also in the way they shoot their videos.

9. Set a Strict Deadline for Video Submission
Make sure all teams are aware of how and where to submit their videos.

10. Review and Score Submissions
The organizers or a selected panel reviews the video submissions. Scores are awarded based on the criteria that were established beforehand. Be consistent in judging and ensure you appreciate the effort that’s gone into each submission.

11. Organize a Closing Meeting
Teams come together to watch the submissions and share laughter and appreciation for each other’s creativity and effort. You could showcase standout videos, each team presenting their favorites or highlights.

12. Announce Winners and Hand Out Prizes
Announce winners based on scores, and perhaps hand out prizes for categories such as “Best Video”, “Most Creative Idea”, or “Team Spirit Award”. Though the competitive element can spice things up, it’s the fostering of a cohesive spirit, creativity, and the fun participants have had that often emerge as the real rewards.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt Specifics: - If conducting the hunt virtually, make good use of video conferencing tools to manage the kick-off and the wrap-up. - Use challenges that make participants hunt for items or accomplish tasks within their homes or online, such as “Create a 30-second parody of a viral video.”

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Benefits of Video Scavenger Hunt

  • Fosters Collaboration: By working in teams, participants improve their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with others. This is a crucial skill for any professional or social setting.
  • Encourages Creativity: The tasks and challenges involved in the scavenger hunt prompt participants to think outside the box and come up with unique solutions, enhancing their creativity.
  • Promotes Active Learning: Participants are actively engaged in learning new skills and knowledge as they complete tasks and overcome obstacles during the scavenger hunt.
  • Builds Stronger Relationships: The interactive and fun nature of the activity helps break down barriers between participants, allowing them to form stronger relationships and connections.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: By tackling various challenges throughout the game, players have the opportunity to hone their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.
  • Increases Engagement: The competitive aspect of the scavenger hunt keeps participants invested in the activity, ensuring they remain engaged from start to finish.
  • Boosts Morale: A successful scavenger hunt can significantly boost team morale, leaving participants feeling positive and enthusiastic about their achievements.
  • Provides Memorable Experiences: The unique challenges and creative solutions that emerge during the game create lasting memories for all involved, contributing to a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

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Skills built with Video Scavenger Hunt

  • Teamwork: The Video Scavenger Hunt encourages participants to work together towards a common goal, fostering collaboration, communication, and trust among team members.
  • Creativity: By requiring teams to come up with unique and entertaining video submissions for each challenge, the game promotes creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Time Management: With time limits in place, participants must learn to prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently, building their ability to manage deadlines effectively.
  • Adaptability: In response to unpredictable challenges or changes, teams must be able to pivot strategies quickly, which helps improve adaptability and resilience.
  • Technological Proficiency: Utilizing video recording devices, sharing platforms, and potentially even virtual meeting software enhances participants’ comfort with technology, a valuable skill in today’s digital world.
  • Leadership: By providing an opportunity for individuals to step up and lead their teams through the challenges, the game develops leadership skills, such as decision-making, delegation, and motivation.
  • Active Listening: Clear communication is essential during the planning, execution, and review of the scavenger hunt. Active listening allows participants to understand instructions, collaborate effectively, and appreciate each other’s contributions.
  • Empathy: As teams work together and share experiences, they learn to consider one another’s perspectives, fostering empathy and strengthening interpersonal relationships.
  • Problem Solving: The game’s tasks and challenges require teams to think critically and strategize solutions, enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  • Self-Confidence: By showcasing their creativity, resourcefulness, and teamwork in a fun and supportive environment, participants can build self-confidence and pride in their accomplishments.

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Why I like Video Scavenger Hunt

I appreciate the Video Scavenger Hunt icebreaker because it promotes engagement and interaction among participants in a fun and dynamic way. As someone who enjoys collaborative activities, I value how this game encourages teamwork and communication, helping individuals build connections while working towards shared goals. The adaptability of the scavenger hunt to various settings is another aspect that I like, as it caters to diverse needs and objectives, whether in a classroom, corporate setting, or virtual environment.

What particularly attracts me to this icebreaker is its emphasis on creativity and innovation. By challenging participants to find unique items or accomplish specific tasks, the game taps into their problem-solving skills and resourcefulness, making it an excellent learning opportunity. Furthermore, the video format adds a layer of excitement and memorability, as teams can look back at their submissions and relive the fun experiences they had together.

I also value the inclusivity and accessibility aspects of the Video Scavenger Hunt. Organizers can tailor challenges to cater to different abilities and backgrounds, ensuring that everyone can participate and contribute. This approach not only fosters a sense of belonging among participants but also encourages empathy and understanding, which are essential for building strong relationships in any setting.

Lastly, I enjoy the positive atmosphere and camaraderie that the Video Scavenger Hunt creates. The combination of friendly competition, shared laughter, and mutual appreciation for each other’s creativity fosters a cohesive spirit that often extends beyond the event itself. In my experience, such icebreakers play a vital role in breaking down barriers and establishing meaningful connections among individuals, making them an indispensable tool for learning, team-building, or simply taking a break from routine.

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Tips for making Video Scavenger Hunt more inclusive

  • Tip: Use Simple Language and Clear Instructions Make sure the language used in the challenges is simple and easy to understand. Complex instructions can create barriers for some participants.

  • Tip: Offer Accessible Alternatives For participants with different abilities, provide alternative ways to complete tasks. This could mean offering text-based or audio descriptions instead of visual challenges.

  • Tip: Consider Cultural Sensitivity Be mindful of cultural differences when creating challenges. Avoid tasks that may be offensive or confusing to certain groups.

  • Tip: Ensure Technological Accessibility If conducting the hunt virtually, ensure all participants have access to the necessary technology. This might mean providing devices or internet access for those who lack it.

  • Tip: Promote Diversity in Teams Encourage diverse team formation to foster a more inclusive environment. This can lead to richer discussions and broader perspectives.

  • Tip: Provide Choices in Challenges Offer a range of challenges that cater to different interests and abilities. This ensures everyone can participate comfortably and enjoyably.

  • Tip: Consider Time Zones If your group is spread across different time zones, schedule the hunt during a convenient time for all participants.

  • Tip: Accommodate Different Learning Styles Include a variety of tasks that cater to different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities. This ensures everyone has an opportunity to shine.

  • Tip: Foster a Supportive Environment Encourage teams to help each other out and create a supportive environment. This can make the activity more enjoyable for all participants.

  • Tip: Provide Feedback Offer constructive feedback on video submissions, focusing on the effort and creativity that went into each one. This helps ensure everyone feels valued and appreciated.

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Reflection questions for Video Scavenger Hunt

  1. What did you enjoy most about the Video Scavenger Hunt? This question helps participants reflect on what they found enjoyable and satisfying during the activity, which can be used to inform future icebreakers and team-building activities.

  2. How did your team approach problem-solving while completing the challenges? Understanding how teams approached problem-solving allows facilitators to gauge the effectiveness of group dynamics and identify potential areas for improvement in collaboration and communication.

  3. Did you discover anything new about your team members through this activity? If so, what were they? This question encourages participants to reflect on how their understanding of teammates has evolved throughout the scavenger hunt, highlighting the value of icebreakers in fostering stronger interpersonal relationships.

  4. How comfortable were you with sharing your video submissions with the rest of the group? Why? This question offers insights into participants’ comfort levels when it comes to sharing personal content and engaging in public performances, which can help organizers tailor activities to better suit their audience.

  5. What strategies did your team use to maximize creativity and have fun during the scavenger hunt? Exploring the strategies used by teams to enhance creativity and enjoyment allows facilitators to learn and apply these techniques in future icebreakers, ensuring that participants continue to benefit from engaging and memorable activities.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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