A great activity for everyone


Unleash Chaos & Laughter with this High-Energy Group Game – Wa!

By Jon Zajac

What is Wa!?

Wa! is a fun and engaging icebreaker game that I enjoy playing with medium to large groups. The purpose of this activity is to encourage interaction, laughter, and teamwork among participants, regardless of their age. At its core, Wa! involves passing a beat and performing specific moves in a predetermined sequence without interruption. To play, participants form a circle and take turns pointing at each other while yelling “Wa!” as they perform various actions. The game continues until only three players remain in a tight, fast-paced circle of arm swinging and screaming. Wa! is an excellent way to break the ice, bring people together, and create lasting memories with its simple yet exciting gameplay that can be adapted for varying levels of difficulty.

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Rules for Wa!

  1. Gather players into a circle, standing shoulder to shoulder and facing inwards.
  2. One person begins by holding their arms out, palms together, and pointing at someone else in the circle while yelling “Wa!”
  3. The person receiving the Wa raises their arms with palms pressed together above their head and yells “Wa!”
  4. The two people next to the person with their hands in the air pretend to “chop” down the person by swinging their arms with palms pressed together towards the waist while yelling “Wa!”
  5. The person who got “chopped down” swings their arms down and points at another person in the circle, yelling “Wa!”
  6. If someone misses their action, they are out of the game.
  7. The game continues until there are three people left in a tight circle of screaming and arms swinging.

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Materials needed for Wa!

  • Space to form a circle: Wa is played in a circular formation, so you will need enough space for all players to stand shoulder to shoulder and face inwards.
  • Nothing else: Wa requires no additional materials or preparation, making it a convenient and easy game to play anywhere, at any time.

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Setting up for Wa!

To set up for the Wa! icebreaker activity, you will need to gather all of the players into a medium to large group and have them stand in a circle facing inwards. The circle should be shoulder to shoulder, with each player standing close to the person next to them. Before beginning the game, it is important to explain the rules and make sure that everyone understands their role and the actions they need to take when it is their turn. It may be helpful to demonstrate the movements and yells that are involved in the game so that everyone is prepared to participate. Once all of the players are in position and understand the rules, you can begin the game by having the first player hold their arms out, palms together, and point at someone else in the circle while yelling “Wa!” From there, the game will continue with each player following the steps outlined in the rules until there are three players left.

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How to play Wa!

  1. Gather all players in a circle: I start by having all the players stand in a circle, facing inward and standing shoulder to shoulder.
  2. Begin the game with “Wa!”: One person begins the game by holding their arms out, palms together, and pointing at someone else in the circle while yelling out, “Wa!”
  3. Pass the Wa: The person receiving the Wa must raise their arms with their palms pressed together above their head and yell out, “Wa!”
  4. Chop down the player: The two people next to the person with their hands in the air must pretend to “chop” down the person with their hands in the air by swinging their arms with palms pressed together towards the waist of the person with their hands in the air, while yelling out, “Wa!”
  5. Continue passing the Wa: The person who just got “chopped down” will swing their arms down and point at another person in the circle and again, yell “Wa!” Then, the whole cycle begins again with the person who receives the Wa from the other person.
  6. Players are out if they miss their action: If someone is not paying attention and misses their action, then they are out of the game. They leave the circle, and the game starts anew until there are only three people left in a tight circle of screaming and arms swinging.
  7. Adjust difficulty for added challenge: To make the game more energetic, faster-paced, or keep kids on their toes, consider increasing the difficulty by varying the level of action required.

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Benefits of Wa!

  • Encourages Teamwork: Playing Wa! requires players to work together and pay attention to each other’s actions, promoting cooperation and team building.
  • Improves Reaction Time: The fast-paced nature of the game helps improve reaction time as players must quickly respond to others’ moves to avoid being “out.”
  • Boosts Confidence: Engaging in an active group game like Wa! can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident, especially when meeting new people.
  • Enhances Focus: The need to maintain eye contact and remember one’s turn helps improve focus and concentration, which can benefit various aspects of life beyond the game.
  • Promotes Physical Activity: As a stationary/active game, Wa! encourages movement and physical activity, making it an enjoyable way to stay active.
  • Breaks Down Barriers: Icebreakers like Wa! help break down barriers between individuals by creating shared experiences and encouraging laughter, fostering new friendships or strengthening existing ones.
  • Develops Social Skills: Practicing eye contact, turn-taking, and communication during the game can contribute to improved social skills in various settings.
  • Requires No Preparation: Wa! is a convenient and accessible icebreaker, as it requires no materials or advanced preparation, making it an easy addition to gatherings and events.

As someone who enjoys bringing people together through fun activities, I find that incorporating the Wa! icebreaker into my social events offers numerous benefits for participants. Its simplicity, combined with its engaging nature, makes it a go-to choice for encouraging teamwork, boosting confidence, and fostering connections among group members.

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Skills built with Wa!

  • Reaction speed: Playing Wa! requires quick reflexes as players need to respond to the “Wa!” command and perform the corresponding action without delay. This helps improve reaction time and increases responsiveness to stimuli.
  • Physical coordination: The game involves various movements, such as pointing, raising arms, and chopping, which require good body control and coordination. Regularly playing Wa! can enhance players’ overall physical coordination.
  • Focus and concentration: Maintaining focus on the game and being aware of one’s turn is crucial in Wa!. As players progress through multiple rounds, they develop better focus and concentration, which can translate to other areas of life as well.
  • Teamwork and cooperation: Wa! fosters a sense of community by having players work together in a shared activity. By following the rules and supporting each other’s turns, players learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation in achieving a common goal.
  • Public speaking and confidence: Wa! involves yelling “Wa!” loudly and confidently to initiate actions. This can help build public speaking skills and increase overall self-confidence as players become more comfortable expressing themselves in front of a group.
  • Listening and communication: Paying close attention to others’ turns and responding accordingly is essential for success in Wa!. The game encourages active listening and clear communication, which are valuable skills for building relationships and navigating social situations.

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Why I like Wa!

As a fan of interactive and engaging activities, I absolutely adore the Wa! icebreaker game. There are several reasons why this game has become one of my favorites, especially for large groups.

Firstly, Wa! is an excellent way to encourage teamwork and communication among participants. By passing the “Wa” around in a circle, players must maintain eye contact, react quickly, and work together to keep the game going smoothly. This dynamic helps break down barriers between individuals, making it easier for them to connect and form new relationships.

Another aspect I appreciate about Wa! is its simplicity. With no preparation or materials required, this game can be played almost anywhere, at any time. The straightforward rules make it easy for players of all ages to understand and enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed or left out.

Additionally, Wa! offers a great balance between being stationary and active. While the game doesn’t require extensive physical movement, it does involve enough action to keep participants engaged and energized. This makes it perfect for both indoor and outdoor settings, catering to different group preferences and weather conditions.

Lastly, I enjoy how adaptable Wa! is in terms of difficulty. By increasing or decreasing the pace at which the “Wa” is passed around, organizers can tailor the game to suit various age groups and energy levels. This versatility ensures that everyone remains entertained and challenged throughout the experience.

In conclusion, I believe that Wa! is an outstanding icebreaker game due to its emphasis on teamwork, simple yet engaging rules, adaptable format, and balance between being stationary and active. Its accessibility makes it a great choice for various settings and group sizes, allowing participants to build connections, have fun, and create memorable experiences together.

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Tips for making Wa! more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide visual aids or demonstrations. Since the Wa! game involves specific movements and actions, it can be helpful to provide visual aids or demonstrations for those who may have difficulty understanding the instructions. This can help ensure that everyone understands how to play and can participate fully.
  • Tip: Offer variations on the game. To make the game more inclusive for people of different ages, abilities, and preferences, consider offering variations on the traditional Wa! game. For example, you could allow players to use gestures instead of loud yelling, or you could offer a seated version of the game for those with mobility issues.
  • Tip: Encourage active listening and communication. To make sure that everyone feels included in the game, encourage active listening and communication among players. This can help ensure that everyone understands what is happening and can participate fully, even if they are not the center of attention at any given moment.
  • Tip: Provide options for those who prefer not to yell or move quickly. Some people may feel uncomfortable with the loud yelling or fast movements required by the Wa! game. To make the game more inclusive for these individuals, consider offering alternatives, such as allowing players to use quieter voices or slower movements.
  • Tip: Foster a positive and supportive atmosphere. To make the Wa! game a truly inclusive and enjoyable experience for all participants, it’s important to foster a positive and supportive atmosphere. Encourage kindness, respect, and empathy among players, and be sure to acknowledge and celebrate everyone’s contributions to the game.

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Reflection questions for Wa!

  1. What was your experience playing Wa!? This question can help participants reflect on their overall feelings and thoughts about the game. It gives them an opportunity to share what they enjoyed, found challenging, or would like to improve.
  2. How did you feel when you successfully passed the “Wa” to another player? Inquiring about specific moments during the game can help participants connect with their emotions and the impact of positive social interactions.
  3. What strategies did you use to stay engaged and focused while playing? This question can encourage reflection on self-awareness, concentration, and attentiveness during group activities.
  4. How did you handle moments when you were about to make a mistake or missed your action? Reflecting on resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges can help participants develop these skills further.
  5. Did you notice any connections between playing Wa! and building relationships with others? If so, what were they? This question encourages participants to think about how group games like Wa! contribute to social bonding and teamwork.
  6. How might playing Wa! or similar icebreakers be useful in other contexts (e.g., work, school, or parties)? Reflecting on transferable skills and benefits of the game can help participants appreciate its value beyond the current situation.
  7. If you were to facilitate a future game of Wa!, what would you do differently? This question encourages participants to think critically about their experience and consider potential improvements for future sessions.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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