A great activity for everyone

Mystery Box

Unleash Your Team's Hidden Detective Skills with the Thrilling Mystery Box Game!

Mystery Box
By Jon Zajac

What is Mystery Box?

The Mystery Box icebreaker activity is a powerful tool for fostering curiosity, unity, and deeper connections among group members in various settings. As a facilitator, I carefully select intriguing items that evoke personal stories, experiences, or viewpoints, ensuring they are relevant to the participants or the topic at hand. The box, either passed around or placed centrally, creates an air of anticipation as each person takes their turn picking and discussing an item without looking.

In this activity, I encourage openness, respect, and positivity, allowing for a safe space where participants can share their thoughts and feelings. This engaging exercise not only helps break the ice but also promotes team building, personal reflection, and insightful discussions among group members. Customized to fit the ambiance or theme of any gathering or meeting, the Mystery Box icebreaker is an enriching experience that paves the way for deeper connections and shared understanding.

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Rules for Mystery Box

  1. Each participant will have a turn at the Mystery Box.
  2. Upon their turn, they will either select an item blindly from the box or be given an item.
  3. After selecting an item, they are required to say something about the item. This could be a personal story, fact, or feeling it evokes.
  4. Participants should handle the items carefully to prevent damage.
  5. Respect everyone’s perspectives and contributions during the open discussion.
  6. Keep shared stories and experiences confidential to maintain trust within the group.

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Materials needed for Mystery Box

  • Box: A container that will hold the mystery items. This could be a simple cardboard box or a more elegant wooden box, depending on the formality of the situation. Ensure there’s a way to conceal what’s inside the box, either by closing it or having it covered.

  • Mystery Items: Objects that are interesting, unique, or relevant to the participants or the topic at hand. These should be conducive to storytelling or sharing of personal experiences, beliefs, or viewpoints. Each object should comfortably fit inside the box and not be too fragile.

  • Instructions: Clear instructions about how the activity will proceed. Decide whether participants will reach into the box without looking and pull out an item or whether you’ll pass items from the box to each person.

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Setting up for Mystery Box

To set up for the Mystery Box icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Box: Choose a box that is appropriate for the formality of your gathering. Ensure there’s a way to conceal what’s inside the box, either by closing it or having it covered.

  2. Gather Items: Find interesting, unique, or relevant objects to put inside the box. These items should be conducive to storytelling or sharing personal experiences, beliefs, or viewpoints. Make sure the items are an appropriate size and not too fragile.

  3. Prepare Instructions: Draft clear instructions about how the activity will proceed, including whether participants will reach into the box without looking and pull out an item or if you’ll pass items from the box to each person.

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How to play Mystery Box

  1. Prepare the Mystery Box: - Gather a box and items to put inside it. - Choose interesting, unique, or relevant objects that encourage storytelling or sharing of personal experiences, beliefs, or viewpoints.

  2. Develop Activity Instructions:
    • Decide how the activity will proceed (e.g., blind selection or passing items from the box).
    • Customize the rules to fit your gathering or meeting’s objectives.
  3. Introduce the Mystery Box:
    • Present the box without revealing its contents.
    • Build anticipation by describing it as a container of conversation-starting objects.
  4. Establish Guidelines:
    • Explain rules, such as each participant taking a turn with the box and discussing their selected item.
    • Decide if random selection or choosing based on participants’ eagerness is preferred.
  5. Implement the Activity:
    • Pass around the box or place it in a central location where participants come up in turn.
    • Encourage participants to feel around (if applicable), pick an item, and share their thoughts about it.
  6. Facilitate Open Discussion:
    • After everyone has had a turn, probe into common themes, intriguing insights, or surprising reactions.
    • Draw collective lessons, enhance group connection, and support personal discoveries.
  7. End the Session:
    • Acknowledge participants’ engagement and openness.
    • Reflect on how this activity contributed to the group’s objectives (e.g., ice-breaking, team-building, personal reflection).

Facilitator Notes:

  • Customize the Activity: Adapt the specifics of the activity for your gathering or meeting.
  • Handle Sensitivities: Be observant and ensure that items and discussions are respectful of everyone’s perspectives and sensitivities.
  • Promote Engagement: Foster an environment of positivity and safety to encourage participants to share and engage.

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Benefits of Mystery Box

  • Breaks the Ice Effectively: By nature, the Mystery Box icebreaker is designed to provoke curiosity and intrigue, making it a fun and interactive way for participants to get to know each other. As they share stories or personal experiences related to the items in the box, conversations flow more naturally and comfortably.
  • Fosters Unity: This activity encourages active listening and empathy among participants as they learn about one another’s backgrounds, beliefs, and values through the objects and accompanying narratives. This shared experience helps build a stronger sense of community within the group.
  • Promotes Active Engagement: The Mystery Box icebreaker requires each participant to actively contribute to the discussion, either by selecting an item from the box or reacting to another person’s chosen object. This active participation boosts engagement and ensures that everyone has a chance to be heard.
  • Cultivates Creative Thinking: As participants must think on their feet to come up with stories or connections related to the items in the box, they are challenged to exercise their creativity and problem-solving skills. This mental stimulation can lead to fresh ideas and perspectives that benefit the overall group dynamic.
  • Encourages Vulnerability and Authenticity: By sharing personal anecdotes or feelings related to the items in the box, participants are encouraged to be vulnerable and authentic with one another. This openness can help create a supportive environment where individuals feel more comfortable expressing themselves and their ideas.
  • Provides Versatility: The Mystery Box icebreaker is highly adaptable, making it suitable for various settings and objectives, from formal business meetings to educational contexts or casual gatherings. Facilitators can customize the activity by carefully selecting items that resonate with the participants and align with the meeting’s goals.
  • Enhances Group Connection: By sharing stories, insights, and reactions, participants in the Mystery Box icebreaker build deeper connections with one another, ultimately fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and teamwork. This strengthened bond can lead to improved collaboration and communication within the group.

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Skills built with Mystery Box

  • Active Listening: The Mystery Box icebreaker encourages active listening as participants are required to pay close attention to the stories and experiences shared by others, looking for connections between those narratives and their own feelings or memories related to the object they’ve drawn from the box. This skill is crucial in building empathy and understanding within a group setting.
  • Interpersonal Communication: The activity fosters stronger interpersonal communication as participants practice articulating their thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences in response to the items they pick from the Mystery Box. By doing so, they strengthen their ability to convey messages clearly and effectively.
  • Critical Thinking: The process of selecting an object, thinking about its significance, and sharing a story or fact related to it stimulates critical thinking skills. Participants must analyze the chosen item and consider what aspect of it would be most engaging or relevant to share with the group.
  • Emotional Intelligence: By discussing personal stories and experiences triggered by the objects in the Mystery Box, participants develop their emotional intelligence as they practice expressing emotions, understanding others’ perspectives, and managing interpersonal relationships during these conversations.
  • Openness to New Experiences: The unpredictable nature of the Mystery Box encourages participants to be open to new experiences, as they never know what item they will draw next or where it might lead in terms of conversation or personal reflection. Embracing novelty and uncertainty is an essential skill for both personal growth and team development.
  • Patience: Queuing up to take a turn with the Mystery Box requires patience and self-control, as participants must wait for their opportunity while observing and listening to others. This practice helps build resilience and adaptability in social situations.
  • Respect and Empathy: The Mystery Box icebreaker offers opportunities for practicing respect and empathy by encouraging active listening, acknowledging others’ contributions, and appreciating the diverse perspectives that emerge during the discussion. By fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued, participants strengthen their interpersonal relationships and promote a more inclusive group culture.

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Why I like Mystery Box

I appreciate the Mystery Box icebreaker activity because it creates a unique and engaging atmosphere that encourages participants to share personal stories, experiences, and viewpoints. By incorporating tangible objects into the conversation, this activity taps into our innate curiosity and stimulates meaningful discussions. I also value its versatility, as the activity can be easily customized for various settings, making it a highly adaptable tool for facilitators.

The Mystery Box icebreaker stands out due to its ability to spark intrigue and build connections among participants. The unpredictability of the items inside the box creates an exciting element that captivates attention and encourages active listening. Additionally, by requiring participants to discuss their chosen item, this activity fosters unity through shared experiences and perspectives, creating a more cohesive group dynamic.

Personally, I find great satisfaction in crafting thoughtfully curated collections of items for the Mystery Box that align with specific themes or objectives. This allows me to create an immersive environment where participants can learn about one another while exploring broader concepts and ideas. Furthermore, by attentively facilitating open discussions, I can ensure a safe and inclusive space for all members, allowing them to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and reflections.

In summary, the Mystery Box icebreaker activity is an effective tool for fostering connections, encouraging storytelling, and breaking down barriers between participants in various settings. Its customizable nature and ability to create memorable experiences make it a valuable addition to any facilitator’s toolkit.

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Tips for making Mystery Box more inclusive

  • Tip: Choose culturally diverse items: Including objects that represent various cultures can help participants appreciate the group’s diversity. This encourages understanding and respect among team members from different backgrounds.
  • Tip: Select gender-neutral items: Opting for items that are not strongly associated with a particular gender ensures all participants feel comfortable engaging in the activity, promoting inclusivity.
  • Tip: Use adaptive language: When explaining the rules of the Mystery Box icebreaker, use inclusive and adaptive language to accommodate individuals with different abilities or needs, making sure everyone feels welcome to participate.
  • Tip: Offer an alternative for blind selection: Some participants may have visual impairments or other discomforts with reaching into a box without seeing. Provide them with the option of choosing an item from a displayed collection instead, ensuring full participation and inclusivity.
  • Tip: Encourage sharing about personal experiences: By prompting participants to share stories related to their identities, values, or beliefs, you can foster an environment that celebrates individuality while promoting empathy and understanding among group members.
  • Tip: Be mindful of potential triggers: Some items may evoke sensitive topics or memories for certain individuals. As a facilitator, be prepared to navigate such situations with care, respect, and understanding.

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Reflection questions for Mystery Box

  1. What was your initial reaction when you heard about the Mystery Box activity? Understanding participants’ first impressions can provide insight into their comfort level with new experiences and their openness to stepping out of their comfort zones.
  2. How did handling the items in the box make you feel, and why? This question allows participants to reflect on their emotional responses, which can lead to discussions about empathy and how our emotions are influenced by objects and memories.
  3. Did any item or story shared during this activity resonate with you personally? If so, why? By exploring connections between the items and personal experiences, participants can discover shared interests or values that strengthen their relationships.
  4. How did your perspective on an object change from when you first felt it to when it was revealed? This question encourages participants to think about how their assumptions and biases impact their initial reactions, promoting self-awareness and open-mindedness.
  5. What did you learn about a fellow participant that surprised or impressed you? Focusing on positive discoveries can foster a sense of appreciation and admiration within the group, enhancing team cohesion and mutual respect.
  6. If you could add an item to the Mystery Box that represents you, what would it be and why? This question invites participants to share more about themselves in a creative and engaging way, promoting self-reflection and self-expression.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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