A great activity for everyone

Finish the Story

Get ready to unleash your creativity with Finish the Story - the ultimate team-building activity!

Finish the Story
By Jon Zajac

What is Finish the Story?

The Finish the Story icebreaker is a dynamic and enjoyable activity that brings people together through collaborative storytelling. Its purpose is to encourage participants to collectively create a unique and surprising narrative, one piece at a time, where each contribution is inspired by the previous content. This engaging exercise not only helps break the ice but also enhances storytelling skills, fosters creativity, and strengthens teamwork dynamics.

During this activity, each person adds to the story during their turn, building on what the previous individual said. The evolving narrative takes unexpected directions as participants logically connect their ideas while embracing imaginative divergences. To ensure smooth progress and inclusivity, time limits for each turn can be enforced, and quieter members are encouraged to contribute. Positive feedback and reactions create a supportive atmosphere that stimulates more vibrant contributions throughout the session.

The story concludes naturally when it reaches a logical end or when everyone has contributed at least once and the group is content with the narrative’s outcome. A closing segment can be added by the facilitator or a volunteering participant, tying up loose ends in the narrative. Following the activity, participants can engage in a group discussion about their favorite parts of the story, what surprised them, or how they felt during their turn.

As a memorable keepsake and learning experience, the collective story can be transcribed and shared with participants. Debrief discussions focusing on storytelling techniques, creativity, and teamwork dynamics further enrich this simple icebreaker into a valuable learning opportunity. The Finish the Story icebreaker is an excellent way to bring people together through collaborative creativity, weaving a rich tapestry of shared narrative and strengthening group connections.

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Rules for Finish the Story

  1. Gather in a circle or arrange seating so everyone can see and hear each other.
  2. The first participant or facilitator starts the story with an open-ended, compelling first sentence.
  3. Pass storytelling to the left (or chosen direction) after each turn.
  4. Add a sentence or two that logically follows the previous part but takes the story in unexpected directions.
  5. Encourage quieter members to contribute and maintain inclusivity.
  6. Optionally, enforce time limits for each turn depending on group dynamics and goals.
  7. Provide positive feedback and reactions to foster a supportive atmosphere and encourage vibrant contributions.
  8. Conclude the story naturally or when everyone has contributed at least once.
  9. A closing segment can be added to tie up loose ends in the narrative (optional).
  10. After the activity, discuss favorite parts, surprises, and feelings during turns.
  11. Transcribe the collective story for a lasting memento (optional).
  12. Engage in debrief discussions focusing on storytelling techniques, creative embodiment, and teamwork dynamics.

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Materials needed for Finish the Story

  • Notepad or a digital device for recording the story A notepad or a digital device can be used to record the story as it progresses. This is especially helpful in larger groups where remembering every detail might be challenging.

  • Timer (optional) A timer can be used to enforce time limits on each participant’s turn, ensuring smooth progress and maintaining the momentum of the activity. However, this is optional and depends on the group dynamics and goal of the session.

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Setting up for Finish the Story

To set up for the Finish the Story icebreaker activity, follow these crucial steps:

  1. Choose a suitable location that encourages a circle or semi-circular seating arrangement, allowing all participants to maintain eye contact and easily engage with one another.

  2. Select a facilitator who is comfortable leading the group, explaining the rules, prompting quieter members to contribute, managing time limits if applicable, and keeping the story’s momentum going by ensuring smooth transitions between storytellers.

  3. Determine the group size and whether forming smaller sub-groups would be necessary based on participant numbers. If needed, assign a facilitator for each sub-group.

  4. Set a clear objective for the activity, taking into account the participants’ backgrounds, goals, and desired outcomes. This might include enhancing collaboration skills, fostering creativity, or simply breaking the ice in a fun and engaging way.

  5. Allocate enough time for the entire session while considering group size and any time limits imposed on individual storytelling turns. Adjust duration accordingly to ensure participants have ample opportunity to contribute without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

  6. Establish a comfortable, supportive, and inclusive atmosphere by making ground rules explicit, encouraging equal participation, and reinforcing positive feedback throughout the activity. This will help create an environment where everyone feels safe and eager to share their imaginative ideas.

  7. Consider any additional post-activity extensions such as debriefing discussions, transcribing the collective story, or providing constructive feedback on creative techniques employed during storytelling. These extensions can further enrich learning experiences and help participants solidify connections made throughout the session.

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How to play Finish the Story

  1. Gather the Participants: Have everyone sit in a circle or arrange seats so that everyone can easily see and hear each other.
  2. Explain the Guidelines: Clearly lay out the rules of the activity. Each person will add to the story during their turn, the addition should connect logically with the previous part, but encourage creative and unique contributions.
  3. The First Line: The facilitator or a chosen participant begins the story with a compelling first sentence or two. This initial prompt should be open-ended to allow for imaginative divergences yet specific enough to set a scene, for example, “On the cloudiest night of the year, Alex discovered a strange, glowing object in their backyard.”
  4. Pass It Along: After the initial line, the person to the starter’s left (or chosen direction of progression) adds the next part of the story. They can add a sentence or two that logically follows, but takes the story into potentially unforeseen directions.
  5. Encourage Creativity: Promote inclusivity by encouraging quieter members to contribute. The facilitator might gently remind everyone that there are no wrong contributions, and the aim is creativity and fun, not literary perfection.
  6. Maintain Momentum: To ensure smooth progress and give the story a sense of momentum, time limits (1-2 minutes) for each turn can be enforced, but this depends on the group dynamics and goal of the session.
  7. Positive Feedback: While not a rigorous creative writing class, positive feedback and reactions to each storytelling addition encourage a supportive atmosphere and stimulate more vibrant contributions.
  8. Conclude the Story: The story can be naturally concluded when it reaches a logical end, or when everyone has contributed at least once and the group is content to end it. Optionally, the facilitator or a volunteering participant can be tasked with providing a closing segment, tying up loose ends in the narrative if any.
  9. Group Discussion: A group discussion can follow where participants share their favorite parts of the story, what surprised them, or how they felt during their turn.
  10. Create a Memento: For a lasting memento, transcribe the collective story and share it with the participants.
  11. Debrief Discussions: Debrief discussions focusing on storytelling techniques, the embodiment of creative ideas, and the teamwork dynamics can turn this simple icebreaker into a fruitful learning experience.

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Benefits of Finish the Story

  • Boosts creativity: Finish the Story encourages participants to think outside the box and exercise their imaginative muscles, helping them develop a knack for original thinking.
  • Fosters active listening: By requiring each contribution to build on the previous one, this activity promotes attentive listening and engagement with others’ ideas, which can be beneficial in various social and professional settings.
  • Improves communication skills: Finish the Story provides a platform for participants to practice expressing their thoughts clearly, concisely, and logically, honing their overall communication abilities.
  • Enhances teamwork: Collaboratively building a story fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among group members, helping them appreciate each other’s contributions and strengthening interpersonal bonds.
  • Builds self-confidence: Taking turns to add to the story allows individuals to gain confidence in their storytelling abilities and share their ideas without fear of judgment or criticism.
  • Encourages empathy: By following on from others’ narratives, participants are encouraged to consider different perspectives and experiences, thereby promoting empathy and understanding towards others.
  • Provides a fun and engaging icebreaker: Finish the Story is an entertaining and interactive way to bring people together, making it an ideal choice for breaking the ice in various group settings.
  • Develops adaptability: The ever-changing nature of the story challenges participants to think on their feet and respond creatively to unexpected plot twists, boosting their adaptability and resilience.

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Skills built with Finish the Story

  • Active Listening: The activity encourages active listening as participants need to build upon the previous part of the story, helping to improve focus and attention on what others are saying.
  • Creativity: Finish the Story fosters creativity by challenging participants to think unconventionally and contribute unique ideas to the narrative.
  • Collaboration: By working together to construct a single story, the activity reinforces the value of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Communication: Participants practice clear and effective communication as they share their additions to the story, learning how to build on the contributions of others.
  • Empathy: Engaging in collaborative storytelling allows participants to see things from different perspectives, promoting empathy and understanding.
  • Public Speaking: Finish the Story provides a low-pressure environment for individuals to practice public speaking skills, as they share their additions with the group.
  • Critical Thinking: Participants must think critically about how their addition connects to the previous part of the story and contributes to its overall flow.
  • Confidence Building: By sharing creative ideas in a supportive environment, individuals can build confidence in expressing themselves and their thoughts.
  • Patience: The activity helps participants develop patience as they wait for their turn to add to the story and listen to others’ contributions.
  • Respect for Others’ Ideas: Finish the Story encourages respect for others’ ideas, as participants build upon the contributions of their peers to create a cohesive narrative.

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Why I like Finish the Story

As an advocate for creative activities that foster connection and collaboration, I appreciate the Finish the Story icebreaker for its simplicity, accessibility, and ability to spark imagination. The beauty of this activity lies in its capacity to generate unique narratives through collective input, showcasing how individual contributions can blend into a cohesive whole.

One aspect that draws me to Finish the Story is its inclusivity. By design, it encourages everyone to participate, allowing quieter individuals to express their creativity without feeling overwhelmed. The absence of judgment and emphasis on fun create a supportive atmosphere where participants feel encouraged to share their ideas. I believe that promoting such an environment can lead to stronger team dynamics and increased trust among members.

Additionally, Finish the Story offers opportunities for storytelling practice, which is a valuable skill both in personal and professional settings. By engaging with this activity, individuals hone their ability to build upon existing narratives, think on their feet, and adapt their ideas to fit a shared context. These skills can translate to improved communication, active listening, and better collaboration in various aspects of life.

Lastly, I appreciate the potential for self-discovery within the Finish the Story icebreaker. By observing how one’s contribution fits into the larger narrative, participants may gain insights into their own thought processes, creativity styles, and comfort with ambiguity. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth and increased adaptability in diverse situations.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse the Finish the Story icebreaker as a fun, engaging, and valuable tool for promoting collaboration, storytelling practice, and self-discovery. By fostering a supportive atmosphere and emphasizing creativity, this activity can strengthen team bonds while offering participants opportunities to learn more about themselves and their peers.

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Tips for making Finish the Story more inclusive

  • Tip: Use open-ended prompts Start the story with an open-ended first line that doesn’t favor any particular type of character or setting, so everyone feels included from the start.

  • Tip: Encourage diverse perspectives Remind participants to consider various cultural backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints when adding to the story, promoting a more inclusive narrative.

  • Tip: Emphasize the value of all contributions Acknowledge that every addition enriches the story, whether it’s a small detail or a significant plot twist, to create an environment where everyone feels their input is valuable.

  • Tip: Set flexible expectations Make it clear that participants don’t need to be expert storytellers or public speakers; emphasize the importance of having fun and being creative.

  • Tip: Be mindful of accessibility If possible, provide visual or audio aids for those with hearing or vision impairments, so everyone can fully participate in the activity.

  • Tip: Use gender-neutral language Encourage the use of gender-neutral pronouns and language to create an inclusive atmosphere that respects all participants’ identities.

  • Tip: Adapt the pace Be sensitive to the group’s energy levels and adjust the speed at which the story progresses, giving everyone ample time to think and contribute.

  • Tip: Promote a safe space Establish ground rules that ensure a respectful and supportive environment for all participants, emphasizing that everyone should feel comfortable and safe during the activity.

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Reflection questions for Finish the Story

  1. What did you enjoy most about the “Finish the Story” activity? This question helps participants reflect on what they found enjoyable and engaging during the icebreaker, allowing them to identify positive aspects of collaborative storytelling.
  2. How did it feel when it was your turn to contribute to the story? By asking this question, facilitators can encourage participants to share their emotions and experiences, creating a better understanding of how group activities impact individual feelings.
  3. What strategies did you use to come up with your contribution to the story? This question encourages reflection on problem-solving and creativity, providing insights into participants’ thought processes during the activity.
  4. Did you find it challenging to connect your part of the story to what had previously been said? Why or why not? Inquiring about potential challenges allows facilitators to identify areas where participants might need additional support in future collaborative activities.
  5. How do you think this activity promoted teamwork and collaboration among the group? By asking this question, facilitators can help participants make connections between the icebreaker and broader team-building concepts, emphasizing the value of working together.
  6. What surprised you during the “Finish the Story” activity? This question encourages participants to discuss unexpected or novel aspects of the experience, promoting a deeper understanding of their own reactions and those of others.
  7. If we were to do this activity again, what would you do differently or suggest improving? By asking for feedback and suggestions, facilitators demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and invite participants to contribute their ideas for enhancing group activities.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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