A great activity for everyone

Tall Tales Story

Unleash Your Creativity with This Engaging Icebreaker: Tall Tales!

Tall Tales Story
By Jon Zajac

What is Tall Tales Story?

The Tall Tales Story icebreaker is an engaging group activity that encourages creative thinking and storytelling. The purpose of this game is to have each person contribute three sentences to a continuously evolving story, ending with the word “suddenly.” The next person then picks up where the previous one left off and adds their own three sentences, taking the story in a new direction. This icebreaker is suitable for groups aged 10 and up and can accommodate any group size.

Tall Tales Story is an excellent way to foster communication, active listening, and imagination within a group. The game’s rules are simple, making it easy to understand and play. The objective is not only to tell a part of the story but also to keep the narrative going by surprising and challenging the next person. This encourages players to think on their feet and connect their ideas to the story that has already been told, creating a fun and dynamic group experience.

The game continues until everyone has had a turn or until the allotted time runs out. If the group gets stuck, you can either pass to the next person or start a new story. Optionally, you may have a few story starters on hand in case the group needs help getting started. The provided story starter examples can serve as inspiration for creating your own engaging prompts.

Overall, Tall Tales Story is an entertaining and interactive icebreaker that will captivate participants and create memorable shared experiences.

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Rules for Tall Tales Story

  1. Explain the rules to the game, ensuring that the subject matter remains appropriate for the group’s age and context.
  2. Designate a person to start the game or read one of the story starters provided. The starting sentence should end with the word “suddenly…”
  3. The next person picks up the story and tells three more sentences, taking the story in any direction they’d like. After three sentences, they end with the word, “suddenly…”
  4. The game continues until one of the following happens:
    • Every player gets a turn and the game has filled the time allotted.
    • Every player gets several turns and the game has filled the time allotted.
    • The players get stuck, in which case you can either pass to the next person or start a new story.

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Materials needed for Tall Tales Story

  • Story starter: An optional material that can be used to help start the story if the group gets stuck. This can be a short paragraph or sentence that sets up the initial situation for the story.
  • Optional materials: These are not strictly necessary for playing Tall Tales, but may be helpful in certain situations. For example, you might want to have a list of story starters on hand in case the group gets stuck and needs some inspiration to get started. You could also use props or costumes to help set the scene and add to the fun of the storytelling activity.

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Setting up for Tall Tales Story

To set up for the Tall Tales story icebreaker activity, you will need to find a quiet and comfortable space that can accommodate the size of your group. Make sure there is enough room for everyone to sit in a circle or close proximity to each other, as this will facilitate the flow of the game.

If you are playing with a large group, consider dividing the group into smaller subgroups to ensure everyone has an opportunity to participate. You may also want to establish ground rules regarding appropriate subject matter and language to ensure a positive and inclusive environment for all players.

Once you have identified a suitable space and established any necessary guidelines, you can prepare to explain the rules and start the game. However, remember that this response should only focus on setup and not discuss materials or gameplay.

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How to play Tall Tales Story

  1. Designate a facilitator: I will be the one to explain the rules, designate the starting player, and keep track of turns.
  2. Explain the rules: I will clearly communicate the rules of Tall Tales, emphasizing that subject matter should remain appropriate for the group’s age and context.
  3. Prepare story starters (optional): Before starting the game, I can prepare a list of story starters to use in case the group gets stuck during play. This step is optional but recommended for a smooth gameplay experience.
  4. Start the game: I will begin by designating a player to start or reading one of the prepared story starters, ensuring that it ends with the word “suddenly…”
  5. Encourage creative participation: Throughout the game, I will encourage players to make their stories twist and turn, challenging them to stump the person next to them.
  6. Help players create sentences (optional): If players struggle to come up with three sentences, I can provide objectives for each sentence to help get their creativity flowing: introducing a new scenario, adding to the story with narration or description, and beginning to move the story in another direction.
  7. Monitor game progress: I will keep track of the number of turns taken by each player and ensure that the game ends when one of the following conditions is met: every player has had a turn, every player has had several turns, or the players get stuck. In case of getting stuck, I can either pass to the next person or start a new story.
  8. End the game gracefully: Once the game has reached its conclusion, I will thank everyone for their participation and express my appreciation for their creativity and engagement.

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Benefits of Tall Tales Story

  • Encourages creative thinking: Playing Tall Tales requires players to come up with unexpected and imaginative storylines on the spot, helping to develop their ability to think creatively.
  • Boosts storytelling skills: By telling a continuous story and passing it on to the next player, participants can improve their storytelling abilities, including pacing, descriptive language, and character development.
  • Improves listening comprehension: Since each person must listen carefully to the previous part of the story before adding their own sentences, playing Tall Tales can help enhance players’ listening skills and understanding of spoken language.
  • Fosters group engagement: As a group activity, Tall Tales encourages interaction among participants, helping them build connections and engage with one another in a fun and entertaining way.
  • Increases confidence: Providing quieter group members an equal opportunity to participate, this icebreaker can help boost their self-confidence by encouraging them to speak up and share their ideas with the group.
  • Adaptable for various settings: Tall Tales can be easily adapted for groups of different sizes and ages, making it a versatile icebreaker for various occasions, such as team building events, classroom activities, or social gatherings.

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Skills built with Tall Tales Story

  • Storytelling skills: Playing Tall Tales encourages participants to think on their feet and come up with creative and engaging stories, which can help improve their overall storytelling abilities.
  • Active listening skills: Since each person’s contribution builds upon the previous one, players must actively listen to what has been said in order to add to the story, which can help improve listening comprehension and retention.
  • Public speaking skills: Tall Tales provides an opportunity for participants to practice speaking in front of a group, as each person is given a turn to contribute to the story. This can help build confidence and improve public speaking abilities.
  • Critical thinking skills: Players are challenged to make connections between the story that has already been told and their own addition, which requires them to think critically about how to move the story forward.
  • Improvisation skills: Since players do not know what the previous person will say, they must be able to think on their feet and come up with a relevant and engaging addition to the story, which can help improve improvisation skills.
  • Collaboration skills: Tall Tales is a collaborative activity that requires players to work together to create a cohesive and interesting story. This can help build teamwork and collaboration skills.

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Why I like Tall Tales Story

I appreciate the Tall Tales Story icebreaker because it fosters creativity and quick thinking in a fun and engaging way. I like that everyone in the group gets a chance to participate and build upon the story, giving even quieter individuals an opportunity to contribute. The game’s simplicity makes it adaptable for various age groups and settings, while the optional use of story starters provides structure when needed.

Encouraging players to challenge each other by creating unexpected twists adds excitement and keeps the game interesting. Additionally, offering objectives for each sentence can help participants who struggle with imagination blocks, ensuring a smooth flow of the activity. Overall, Tall Tales is an enjoyable icebreaker that promotes teamwork and communication in a low-pressure, entertaining environment.

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Tips for making Tall Tales Story more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide story starters that reflect a diverse range of characters, settings, and experiences to ensure all participants feel represented and included.
  • Tip: Encourage open-ended contributions by avoiding leading questions or making assumptions about the direction of the story. This can help create a more inclusive space for all participants to share their ideas.
  • Tip: Allow participants to pass if they are not comfortable contributing to the story. Respect their decision and encourage them to participate in other ways, such as listening actively or offering positive feedback.
  • Tip: Be mindful of the language used during the activity. Avoid using jargon, idioms, or cultural references that may be unfamiliar or alienating to some participants. Instead, use clear and simple language that is accessible to everyone.
  • Tip: Create a safe and welcoming environment by establishing ground rules that promote respect, active listening, and inclusivity. Encourage participants to treat each other with kindness and consideration, and to avoid making assumptions or stereotypes based on race, gender, ability, or any other factor.

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Reflection questions for Tall Tales Story

  1. What was your favorite moment of the Tall Tales icebreaker? This question allows participants to reflect on what they enjoyed most about the activity and can help create a positive atmosphere.
  2. Did you find it challenging to come up with three sentences for your turn? If so, how did you overcome that challenge? This question encourages participants to reflect on their own problem-solving skills and how they adapted to a difficult situation.
  3. How did it feel to have to pick up the story from where someone else left off? This question can help participants understand how to build upon the ideas of others, which is an important skill in many group settings.
  4. Did you try to stump the person who came after you with your story? Why or why not? This question can lead to a discussion about competition and sportsmanship, as well as the importance of being respectful and considerate when interacting with others.
  5. How did it feel to have an equal chance to participate in this icebreaker, regardless of how talkative you usually are? This question can help participants understand the value of inclusivity and how it can lead to a more diverse range of ideas and perspectives.
  6. Did any of the stories that were told during the Tall Tales icebreaker inspire you or make you think about something in a new way? If so, what was it? This question allows participants to reflect on the impact of storytelling and how it can be used to communicate ideas and inspire action.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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