A great activity for everyone

Snowball Fight

Unleash Chaos with this Hilarious Indoor Paper Snowball Fight Game for Kids!

Snowball Fight
By Jon Zajac

What is Snowball Fight?

The Snowball Fight icebreaker is a fun and energetic group game that’s great for groups of all sizes and ages. Its purpose is to encourage interaction and teamwork while getting participants active and engaged. To play, the group is split into two teams and given a pile of waste paper. On the start signal, players crumple the paper into snowballs and throw them into the opposing team’s section. The aim is to have as few snowballs in your own section as possible when time runs out. This game can be made more challenging by limiting hand use or adding a musical element where throwing is only allowed when the music is playing. Snowball Fight is an excellent way to get kids moving and engaged with one another, making it a perfect icebreaker for schools, camps, and other youth groups.

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Rules for Snowball Fight

  1. The group is split into two equal teams and must stand on opposite sides of the room, which is divided by a line of masking tape.
  2. Each team is given a pile of waste paper, evenly distributed between the groups.
  3. On the command, players scrunch up the sheets of paper into snowballs and throw them into the other team’s section of the room.
  4. Players can also pick up snowballs thrown in by the opposite team and chuck them back into the opponent’s side.
  5. Keep track of the time and let the game go on for 1-3 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, the teams stop creating and throwing snowballs and count how many snowballs are in their section.
  7. The team with the least number of snowballs wins a point.
  8. Extra rules can include using only one hand for scrunching and throwing snowballs or playing the game with music, where throwing is not allowed when the music stops.

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Materials needed for Snowball Fight

  • Waste paper: You can use any type of paper such as newspaper or printer paper that can be recycled afterwards.
  • Masking tape: This will be used to mark two equal sections in the middle of the room, designating each team’s area.
  • Stopwatch: This will help you keep track of time during the game.

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Setting up for Snowball Fight

To set up for the Snowball Fight icebreaker activity, you will need to:

  1. Find a suitable indoor location with enough space for the group to split into two teams and stand on opposite sides of the room.
  2. Use masking tape to mark a line down the center of the room, dividing it into two equal sections.
  3. Split the group into two equal teams and have them stand on opposite sides of the room, making sure they do not cross the line made from tape.
  4. Prepare a pile of waste paper for each team, distributing it evenly among the players. The kids can help you with this as part of the game.
  5. Have a stopwatch ready to keep track of the time during the game.

It is important to note that this activity should only be played indoors and with appropriate supervision to ensure safety.

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How to play Snowball Fight

  1. Split the group into two teams: I divided the participants into two equal teams and had them stand on opposite sides of the room, making sure they understood not to cross the center line marked by masking tape.
  2. Give each team an even pile of waste paper: I distributed a pile of crumpled-up newspaper and printer paper to each team, ensuring both groups had an equal amount.
  3. Instruct players to scrunch up the paper into snowballs and throw them into the other team’s section: On my signal, team members started shaping their paper into snowballs and hurling them toward the opposing side while also defending their own territory by catching and tossing back any incoming projectiles.
  4. Set a time limit of 1-3 minutes: I used a stopwatch to monitor the duration of the game, allowing it to run for a set amount of time before calling for a halt.
  5. Count the number of snowballs in each team’s section: Once the time was up, both teams tallied the number of snowballs remaining in their area.
  6. Determine the winning team: The team with fewer snowballs in their section at the end of the round received a point. We repeated the game multiple times, and the team with the most points at the conclusion was declared the winner.
  7. Optional rule: use only one hand (for added challenge): At any point during the game, you can introduce an extra layer of difficulty by requiring players to shape their snowballs and throw them using just one hand.
  8. Optional rule: play with music (for a fun twist): Introduce a musical element to the game by playing and pausing music randomly throughout. When the music stops, all throwing must cease. Any participant caught tossing a snowball during this time is disqualified until the next round.

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Benefits of Snowball Fight

  • Encourages physical activity: The Snowball Fight icebreaker is a great way to get kids moving and active while having fun. It helps improve their agility, coordination, and overall fitness level.
  • Promotes teamwork and cooperation: By splitting the group into two teams, players must work together to throw as many snowballs (made from paper) to the other team’s side as possible within the time limit. This encourages communication, collaboration, and strategic thinking among team members.
  • Enhances social skills: As a icebreaker game, Snowball Fight helps new group members get to know each other in a fun and interactive way. It provides an opportunity for kids to practice their communication and interaction skills while building relationships with their peers.
  • Improves focus and concentration: Keeping track of the time and counting the number of snowballs on each side requires players to stay focused and alert throughout the game. This helps improve their attention span, memory, and cognitive abilities.
  • Boosts self-confidence and creativity: The Snowball Fight icebreaker allows kids to express themselves creatively by coming up with different ways to throw snowballs and strategize with their team members. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts their self-confidence when they successfully throw a snowball or help their team win the game.
  • Fosters healthy competition: The game’s scoring system encourages healthy competition among players, which can help motivate them to improve their skills and work harder towards achieving their goals. It also teaches kids the importance of sportsmanship, fair play, and respecting others’ abilities and efforts.

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Skills built with Snowball Fight

  • Fine Motor Skills: Players must use their hands to crumple up paper into snowballs and throw them with accuracy towards the opposing team’s side. This helps improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Teamwork: By working together with their teammates, players can strategize and communicate effectively to minimize the number of snowballs in their own section while trying to increase the amount in the opposing team’s section.
  • Spatial Awareness: Players need to be aware of their surroundings, including where they are standing in relation to the center line and the boundaries of the room, as well as where the opposing team members are located.
  • Active Listening: When playing with music variations, players must listen carefully for the music to stop so that they know when to halt throwing snowballs.
  • Competitive Spirit: The game encourages a friendly sense of competition as teams aim to win as many rounds as possible by having fewer snowballs in their section at the end of each round.

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Why I like Snowball Fight

As someone who enjoys bringing people together through engaging activities, I find the Snowball Fight icebreaker to be a fantastic choice for groups of all sizes and ages. Here are a few reasons why I like it:

Firstly, Snowball Fight is an excellent way to get kids and adults moving and active while breaking the ice. The game encourages players to work together as a team, communicate effectively, and strategize to win. It’s a great way to build relationships and foster a sense of community.

Secondly, I appreciate that Snowball Fight can be customized based on the group size, age range, and skill level. The game can be played with any number of people, making it an ideal option for large groups or intimate gatherings. Additionally, the time limit and use of waste paper make it a fun and environmentally friendly activity.

Lastly, I like that Snowball Fight offers various ways to add extra challenges and excitement to the game. For example, limiting players to using one hand or incorporating music can create unexpected twists that keep things interesting.

Overall, Snowball Fight is an engaging icebreaker that promotes teamwork, communication, and physical activity while providing plenty of opportunities for customization and added challenges. It’s a game that I highly recommend for anyone looking to bring people together in a fun and interactive way.

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Tips for making Snowball Fight more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide a visual aid such as picture cards with basic sign language gestures for “start,” “stop,” and “more” to help children who are hearing impaired participate in the game.
  • Tip: Offer large print instructions and rules of the game for visually impaired participants, so they can understand how to play.
  • Tip: Use lightweight and soft materials like tissue paper or cloth instead of paper to make snowballs that are safe for children with motor impairments.
  • Tip: Assign a helper or “buddy” to any participant who may need extra support during the game, such as those with physical or developmental disabilities.
  • Tip: Encourage all players to communicate and work together using simple and clear language to ensure everyone understands what’s happening in the game.
  • Tip: Use multisensory cues like music, lights, or textures to create an immersive and engaging environment that accommodates participants with different learning styles.
  • Tip: Create a safe and welcoming space by setting clear boundaries, establishing rules for respectful behavior, and encouraging positive interactions among all players.

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Reflection questions for Snowball Fight

  1. Question: What did you enjoy most about the Snowball Fight game? This question can help participants reflect on what they found fun or engaging about the activity, and can also help the facilitator understand what aspects of the game were most successful.
  2. Question: How do you think this game helped you get to know other group members? By asking this question, the facilitator can encourage participants to reflect on the social dynamics of the game and how it contributed to relationship-building.
  3. Question: Were there any challenges or difficulties you faced during the game? How did you overcome them? This question can help participants think critically about their own problem-solving skills and resilience, as well as provide insight into areas where they may need additional support or guidance.
  4. Question: If you could change one thing about the Snowball Fight game, what would it be? Asking for feedback can help facilitators improve their future programming and ensure that participants’ needs and preferences are taken into account. It can also help participants think critically about what worked well and what could be improved in a group activity.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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