A great activity for everyone


Get ready to run, dodge, and eliminate opponents in this thrilling action game!

By Jon Zajac

What is Spud?

The Spud icebreaker is an action-packed game that involves running, dodging, and throwing, making it suitable for people of all ages. Its purpose is to encourage interaction and friendly competition among participants. At the start of each round, everyone scatters upon the toss of the ball, except for the player whose number is called. The person who catches the ball becomes the thrower and aims to hit a frozen opponent while taking three giant steps towards them. Getting hit results in earning a letter, with the game ending when someone spells out “SPUD.” Alternatively, a time limit can be set, and the player with the fewest letters wins. This game is an excellent way to promote teamwork, communication, and physical activity in any group setting. (Recommended for at least 8 players; outdoor space; soft ball)

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Rules for Spud

  1. Each player counts off and remembers their number.
  2. Players group together in a bunch, one person starts with the ball in the center.
  3. The person with the ball throws it upwards while yelling a number.
  4. Everyone except for the person whose number was called disperses and runs away from the bunch.
  5. The person whose number was called catches the ball, yells “Spud!”, and everyone must freeze.
  6. The person with the ball takes three giant steps toward any player and throws the ball, trying to hit someone.
  7. Players can dodge by moving all parts of their body except their feet.
  8. If a player is hit, they earn the letter “S” in the word S-P-U-D.
  9. The person who was hit becomes the new thrower; otherwise, the thrower who missed earns a letter.
  10. Whoever spells out the word S-P-U-D is out of the game or will have points at the end of the time limit.
  11. Players cannot move their feet while dodging.
  12. The game ends when someone spells out S-P-U-D or after a set time limit, in which case the player with the least amount of letters wins.

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Materials needed for Spud

  • Soft ball: A ball that will not hurt when thrown, making it safe for players of all ages to play the game.

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Setting up for Spud

To set up for the Spud icebreaker activity, you will need to gather all the players and have them count off so that each player has a unique number. Optionally, you can assign more than one player per number. After everyone has been assigned a number, have all the players group together in a bunch. One player should be chosen to start with the ball in the center of the bunch. Make sure that the players are aware that they will need enough space to run and disperse when the ball is thrown. It’s also important to explain to them that they must freeze when the person with the ball yells “Spud!”

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How to play Spud

  1. Count off and remember your number: I ask each player to count off, ensuring they remember their own number. This step is crucial as it determines who will run and who will stay to catch the ball in each round.
  2. Group together in a bunch: I have everyone gather closely in a group, with the person who counted off first holding the ball in the center. This creates an exciting anticipation for the game to start.
  3. Throw the ball upwards while yelling a number: As the person with the ball, I toss it high into the air while calling out a random number. It’s important to throw the ball hard enough to reach a good height but not so hard that it could hurt someone.
  4. Disperse and run in different directions: Upon hearing their number called, everyone except those with the same number runs away from the bunch in various directions. This step adds a fun element of chaos and surprise.
  5. Catch the ball and yell “Spud!”: The player(s) whose number was called must catch the ball and declare “Spud!” loudly. Doing this alerts everyone to freeze, allowing the thrower to take strategic steps towards another player.
  6. Take three giant steps: After yelling “Spud!”, I step forward thrice in a straight line, aiming for a chosen player within range. It’s essential to make these steps big and confident, adding an extra level of challenge to the game.
  7. Throw the ball and attempt to hit someone: With determination, I throw the ball at another player while trying my best to hit them. Hitting a player results in them earning a letter from the word “SPUD,” bringing them closer to being out of the game.
  8. Dodge the ball by moving body parts: Players can only avoid the thrown ball by moving their arms, legs, or head. Keeping feet stationary while dodging adds to the difficulty and enjoyment of the game.
  9. Change throwers if a player is hit: The person who successfully hits another player with the ball becomes the new thrower for the following round. If no one is hit, the current thrower earns a letter instead.
  10. Repeat the process: Each round starts anew, and I continue to follow these steps until someone spells out “SPUD” or until reaching a predetermined time limit. This icebreaker guarantees a fun, active experience that brings people together.

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Benefits of Spud

  • Encourages Physical Activity: The Spud game involves running, dodging, and throwing, providing players with an opportunity to engage in physical activity and movement. This can help improve overall fitness levels and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  • Fosters Social Interaction: As a group game, the Spud icebreaker encourages social interaction among players. It provides an opportunity for participants to work together, communicate, and build relationships with one another.
  • Enhances Reaction Time: The fast-paced nature of the game requires quick reflexes and decision-making skills, helping players improve their reaction time and mental agility.
  • Improves Hand-Eye Coordination: The act of throwing and catching a ball can help improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This is especially beneficial for younger children who are still developing these skills.
  • Builds Teamwork: Although the Spud game involves competition, it also requires teamwork as players work together to avoid being hit by the ball. This helps build a sense of unity and collaboration among participants.
  • Boosts Self-Confidence: As players successfully dodge the ball and avoid getting hit, they can experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. This is especially important for children who may struggle with self-doubt or low confidence levels.
  • Encourages Creativity: The Spud game has many variations, allowing players to get creative and adapt the rules to fit their needs. This encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Provides a Fun Outlet for Stress Relief: The fast-paced and action-packed nature of the game provides an outlet for participants to release stress and have fun. This can help improve overall mood and well-being.

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Skills built with Spud

  • Agility: Playing the Spud icebreaker requires quick reflexes and the ability to move nimbly. As players dodge the ball, they must be able to twist and turn their bodies while keeping their feet in place, which helps improve overall agility.
  • Teamwork: Even though Spud is a competitive game, it still involves a significant amount of teamwork. Players must work together to disperse and reform the group after each round, fostering collaboration and cooperation among participants.
  • Hand-Eye Coordination: The act of throwing and catching the ball helps players develop their hand-eye coordination skills. This is especially true for the person tasked with tossing the ball high into the air and then catching it once it descends.
  • Endurance: As a physically active game, Spud can help build endurance in players. The constant running, dodging, and throwing involved in each round can increase stamina and improve overall fitness.
  • Decision-Making: Players must quickly decide which direction to run and how to dodge the ball once a number is called. This requires strategic thinking and quick decision-making skills, which are valuable in many real-world situations.
  • Sportsmanship: Like any game or sport, Spud requires good sportsmanship. Players must learn to handle both winning and losing gracefully, as well as respect their opponents’ efforts and abilities.

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Why I like Spud

As someone who enjoys staying active and having fun with friends, I really appreciate the Spud icebreaker game. The simplicity of the rules and the fast-paced action make it easy for anyone to jump in and start playing, regardless of age or physical ability. I also like that there are variations to the game, allowing players to get creative and adapt it to their own preferences.

One thing I particularly enjoy about Spud is the combination of running, dodging, and throwing. These elements make the game more dynamic and engaging, keeping everyone on their toes and adding an element of excitement. Additionally, the fact that the game involves catching a ball thrown up in the air adds a fun challenge, as players must pay attention to both the ball’s trajectory and their surroundings in order to avoid being hit.

Another aspect of Spud that I appreciate is its inclusivity. The game can accommodate any number of players, making it a great option for large groups or gatherings. Moreover, the optional variation of having more than one person per number ensures that everyone has a chance to participate and interact with others.

Overall, the Spud icebreaker game is a fantastic way to promote physical activity, teamwork, and socialization in a fun and engaging way. Its simplicity, adaptability, and inclusivity make it a great choice for various settings and occasions.

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Tips for making Spud more inclusive

  • Tip: Modify the “getting out” rule Instead of getting players “out” when they are hit with the ball, consider giving them a letter as described in the original rules. This way, everyone remains included in the game for the entire duration.
  • Tip: Use a soft and lightweight ball Choose a ball that is soft and light enough for people of all ages and abilities to throw and catch comfortably. This will help ensure that everyone can participate fully and have fun.
  • Tip: Encourage teamwork and cooperation Instead of having players disperse and run away from the bunch, consider having them work together to avoid getting hit by the ball. For example, you could divide players into teams and have them huddle together, with each team trying to protect their members from being hit.
  • Tip: Offer modifications and alternatives Depending on the age and abilities of your participants, you may want to offer some modifications or alternatives to the rules. For example, you could allow younger children to take more than three steps before throwing the ball, or provide visual aids for players with hearing impairments.
  • Tip: Foster a positive and supportive environment Make sure to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where all participants feel comfortable and encouraged to participate. Offer plenty of praise and encouragement, and avoid making negative comments or criticisms that could discourage or upset anyone.

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Reflection questions for Spud

  1. Question: What strategies did you use to avoid getting hit with the ball? This question can help participants reflect on how they adapted their behavior in response to the rules and dynamics of the game.
  2. Question: How did it feel to be “it” and try to eliminate other players? This question can shed light on the experience of being in a position of power, which may be relevant for understanding group dynamics and leadership.
  3. Question: Did you notice any patterns or trends in how people moved or positioned themselves during the game? This question can help participants develop their observational skills and pay attention to group behavior.
  4. Question: How did you communicate or cooperate with other players, if at all? This question can reveal insights about teamwork, trust, and social connections within the group.
  5. Question: What variations or modifications would you suggest for future rounds of Spud? This question can encourage creativity, innovation, and active engagement in shaping the group’s activities and experiences.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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