A great activity for everyone

Sticker Ninja

A covert game of stealth and stickers, where players compete to subtly place their stickers on unsuspecting guests!

Sticker Ninja
By Jon Zajac

What is Sticker Ninja?

Sticker Ninja is a fun and engaging icebreaker game that requires stealth, agility, and deception. The purpose of the game is to secretly place your stickers on other guests at an event without getting caught. This makes for a great side-game at walk-around events, as it encourages players to interact with one another in a playful and humorous way. The game can be played with any number of players, and sets of sticker sheets can be purchased online. Before the event begins, give each guest a sheet of stickers and explain the rules. Players must stick their stickers on other guests, with each of their stickers going onto a different guest. If a player is caught in the act, the targeted guest can remove the sticker and give it back to the player. The first player to successfully place all of their stickers on other guests can announce that they have won. This icebreaker is sure to provide plenty of laughs and friendly interactions throughout the event.

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Rules for Sticker Ninja

  • Players must stick their stickers on other guests at the party.
  • Each of one player’s stickers must go onto a different guest.
  • If a player is “caught in the act” by the guest they are targeting, that guest can remove the sticker and give it back to the player.
  • If a guest doesn’t notice a sticker being placed on them immediately, they have to leave it until the end of the night.
  • The first player to get all of their stickers stuck to other guests can announce they have won.
  • A winner may be asked to call all of their supposed victims to the center of the party to be examined and shamed to verify that they did not dispose of their stickers.

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Materials needed for Sticker Ninja

Here’s the materials list for the Sticker Ninja icebreaker:

  • Sticker sheets: You will need to purchase a set of sticker sheets, with ten stickers per sheet being a good quantity. Give each guest a sheet of stickers at the beginning of the event. For a more challenging game, use stickers of different colors or designs for each player.
  • Guests: Sticker Ninja can be played with any number of players, even as few as two. The more guests you have, the more fun and chaotic the game will be!

Remember to explain the rules clearly before starting the game, and make sure that guests understand the objective (to stick all of their stickers on other guests without being caught) and the boundaries (no sticking stickers on private parts or sensitive areas). With these materials and a bit of stealth, you’re ready to play Sticker Ninja!

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Setting up for Sticker Ninja

To set up for the Sticker Ninja icebreaker activity, you will need to purchase a set of sticker sheets with ten stickers per sheet. As guests enter the event, give each of them a sheet of stickers. You can provide different colors or designs of stickers to each player for “Pro” Sticker Ninja, which will make it easier to verify a win if there is a prize at stake. Some variety in the sticker stock will also make this a more colorful game.

Before the event begins, explain the rules to all guests present to prevent them from sticking stickers on inappropriate items such as TV sets or pets. The goal of the game is for players to stick their stickers on other guests at the party, with each player’s sticker going onto a different guest. If a player is caught in the act by the guest they are targeting, that guest can remove the sticker and give it back to the player. However, if a guest doesn’t notice a sticker being placed on them immediately, they have to leave it until the end of the night.

The first player to get all of their stickers stuck to other guests can announce that they have won. If you want to check that a winner hasn’t disposed of their stickers, you can ask that player to call all of their supposed victims to the center of the party to be examined and shamed.

It is important to note that this description only discusses the setup for the Sticker Ninja icebreaker activity and does not include any discussion of materials. Your life may depend on following these instructions carefully!

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How to play Sticker Ninja

  1. Purchase Sticker Sheets: I recommend purchasing sticker sheets with ten stickers per sheet. This quantity works well for the game. You can buy them here.
  2. Distribute Stickers to Guests: As guests arrive, give each of them a sheet of stickers. For a more challenging version of the game, use different colored or designed stickers for each player. This will allow you to verify a win and make the game more colorful.
  3. Explain the Rules: Before the game starts, explain the rules to all guests present to prevent any confusion or mischief.
  4. Instruct Players to Stick Their Stickers on Other Guests: Each player must stick their stickers on different guests. However, if a guest notices a player sticking a sticker on them, they can remove it and give it back to the player.
  5. Determine the Winner: The first player to successfully stick all of their stickers onto other guests can announce that they have won. To verify, you can ask the winner to call all of their supposed victims to the center of the party for examination.

Note: Players may try to deceive each other by slapping each other on the back or finding creative ways to place stickers where the guest won’t feel them. Encourage players to have fun and be creative while following the rules.

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Benefits of Sticker Ninja

  • Encourages Interaction: Playing Sticker Ninja requires players to approach and “stick” their stickers on other guests, which encourages interaction and helps break the ice.
  • Promotes Stealth and Agility: The game’s rules encourage players to be stealthy and agile in their attempts to place stickers on other guests, adding an element of fun and challenge.
  • Fosters Creativity: Players must come up with creative ways to stick their stickers on other guests without being caught, which can lead to hilarious and memorable moments.
  • Provides a Casual Side Game: Sticker Ninja makes for a great casual side game at walk-around events, providing entertainment and engagement for guests of all ages.
  • Customizable for Any Number of Players: The game can be played with as few as two players or as many as needed, making it a flexible option for any event size.
  • Adds a Fun Twist to Events: The unexpected nature of the game adds excitement and humor to events, creating memorable moments and positive associations with the host or brand.
  • Encourages Playful Competition: Players can compete to be the first to stick all their stickers on other guests, adding an element of friendly competition to the game.
  • Easily Accessible: The only materials required for Sticker Ninja are sticker sheets, making it a simple and accessible icebreaker that requires no special equipment or setup.

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Skills built with Sticker Ninja

  • Stealth: Playing Sticker Ninja requires players to move quietly and discreetly around the event, trying not to draw attention to themselves as they place stickers on other guests. This helps build skills in stealth and subtlety.
  • Observation: To successfully place a sticker on someone without being caught, players need to be observant of their surroundings and the behavior of their target. This game can help improve observation skills, including noticing small details and reading social cues.
  • Quick thinking: If a player is caught in the act of sticking a guest, they must think quickly to come up with an excuse or distraction to avoid being discovered. This can help build quick thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Persistence: Sticker Ninja requires players to be persistent in their efforts to place all of their stickers on other guests. Even if they are caught or unsuccessful at first, they must keep trying until they have placed all of their stickers. This can help build persistence and resilience.
  • Social skills: Playing Sticker Ninja involves interacting with other guests and attempting to place stickers on them without being noticed. This can provide opportunities to practice social skills, such as making small talk and reading social cues. It can also help build confidence in social situations.

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Why I like Sticker Ninja

I enjoy the Sticker Ninja icebreaker game because it encourages guests to interact with each other in a fun and engaging way. By giving everyone a sheet of stickers and challenging them to secretly place those stickers on other guests, the game creates a playful and lighthearted atmosphere that helps people break out of their shells and form connections.

One thing I like about Sticker Ninja is that it can be played with any number of players, making it a versatile option for events of all sizes. Whether you have two guests or several dozen, the game can be easily adapted to fit your needs. Additionally, using stickers of different colors or designs for each player makes it easy to verify a win and adds an extra layer of excitement to the competition.

Another aspect of Sticker Ninja that I appreciate is its simplicity. The rules are straightforward and easy to understand, which means that guests can start playing right away without needing a lot of explanation or instruction. This makes the game accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Overall, I find the Sticker Ninja icebreaker to be a fun and engaging way to encourage interaction and socialization at events. Its simplicity, versatility, and playful nature make it a great choice for anyone looking to add some excitement and laughter to their next gathering.

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Tips for making Sticker Ninja more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide a variety of sticker designs and colors. This will ensure that all players feel included, regardless of their personal style or preferences. By offering a range of options, you can cater to different age groups, interests, and cultural backgrounds.
  • Tip: Modify the rules for accessibility. If some players have mobility issues or other challenges that make it difficult for them to move around freely, consider adapting the game to accommodate their needs. For example, allow players to stick their stickers on objects instead of people, or let them work in pairs to help each other place their stickers discreetly.
  • Tip: Encourage respectful behavior. Make it clear that all players should be mindful of each other’s boundaries and comfort levels. Remind them that the goal is to have fun and connect with others, not to make anyone feel uncomfortable or disrespected. By setting a positive tone from the outset, you can help create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for everyone.
  • Tip: Offer alternative icebreakers or social activities. While Sticker Ninja can be a fun and engaging game, it may not appeal to everyone. Consider offering a range of options for guests to choose from, including low-key conversation starters, group games, or creative activities. By providing a variety of choices, you can ensure that all guests feel comfortable and included, regardless of their interests or abilities.
  • Tip: Be mindful of cultural differences. If you’re hosting a diverse group of guests, be aware of any cultural norms or customs that may affect their participation in the game. For example, some cultures may have different rules around personal space or physical touch, so it’s important to be respectful and sensitive to these differences. By being aware of these nuances, you can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all guests.

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Reflection questions for Sticker Ninja

  1. What strategies did you use to stick your opponents without getting caught? This question can help participants reflect on the tactics they employed during the game and how effective they were in achieving their goal.
  2. How did it feel to be a “sticker stalker” and why? This question can provide insight into the participant’s emotions and thoughts while playing the game, allowing them to reflect on their experiences and feelings of success or frustration.
  3. Did you have any moments where you were particularly successful in sticking someone without being noticed? What happened? This question can help participants recall specific instances where they successfully implemented their strategies and can provide insight into what worked well for them.
  4. What challenges did you face while playing the game and how did you overcome them? This question can help participants reflect on any obstacles they encountered during the game and how they adapted to overcome those challenges.
  5. How did you feel when someone successfully stuck a sticker on you without your knowledge? This question can help participants reflect on their own experiences as a target and how it felt to be on the receiving end of the game.
  6. Did you observe any interesting or creative strategies used by other players? If so, what were they? This question can encourage participants to reflect on the actions of others and consider new approaches for future play.
  7. How did this icebreaker contribute to building connections and community among the group? This question can help participants think about the social dynamics of the game and how it helped them get to know each other better.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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