A great activity for everyone

First Impressions

Unleash the fun of meeting new people with this creative icebreaker game!

First Impressions
By Jon Zajac

What is First Impressions?

The First Impressions icebreaker is a fun and engaging activity that involves writing down one’s initial impression of the people they meet. The purpose of this game is to help individuals get to know each other better, encourage positive interactions, and create a friendly atmosphere. During the activity, participants will converse with one another and write a descriptive adjective on each person’s paper, which is taped to their back. This process continues until everyone has several words listed on their backs. Finally, participants take turns introducing their neighbors while sharing the positive attributes that others have written about them.

I find this icebreaker particularly useful for gatherings where people may not know each other well, such as meetings or social events. It’s a great way to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment by focusing on kind and encouraging words. Moreover, it can help participants make meaningful connections with one another, which can lead to stronger relationships and improved collaboration in the future.

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Rules for First Impressions

  1. Pass out large sheets of paper and writing utensils to each participant.
  2. Have each person write their name on the top of a sheet of paper.
  3. Tape each person’s sheet to their back so that they can’t see it.
  4. Instruct everyone to mingle with each other and converse.
  5. After a minute or so, ask each person to write an adjective (their “first impression”) on the paper of the person they just spoke with.
  6. Have participants continue mingling with new people, repeating the process.
  7. After 10-20 minutes, have each person introduce their neighbor and read the words written on their neighbor’s paper.
  8. Instruct everyone to write only nice or encouraging words, no mean, rude, or critical words are allowed.

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Materials needed for First Impressions

  • Large sheets of paper or posterboard *- One sheet per participant to write their name and receive adjectives from others.
  • Writing utensils (pens/markers) *- To write with on the large sheets of paper.
  • Sturdy tape *- To attach each person’s sheet to their back, allowing them to mingle and gather first impressions from others.

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Setting up for First Impressions

To set up for the First Impressions icebreaker activity, follow these steps:

  1. Find a suitable location for the activity, either indoors or outdoors, that can accommodate your group.
  2. Give each participant a large sheet of paper and writing utensils.
  3. Instruct participants to write their name at the top of their sheet.
  4. Tape each participant’s sheet of paper on their back, making sure they cannot see it.
  5. Encourage participants to mingle with one another and have conversations.
  6. After a few moments of conversation, instruct participants to write an adjective or brief description (their “first impression”) of the person they just spoke with on their paper.
  7. Repeat step 6 for each new person they meet during the activity.
  8. Set a time limit for the mingling and writing portion of the activity, depending on your group size and desired duration.
  9. Finally, gather participants in a circle or around the room to read and share their first impressions from their neighbors’ papers.

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How to play First Impressions

  1. Gather Materials: I gather the materials needed for the game, which include a large piece of paper or posterboard for each participant, pens or markers, and sturdy tape.
  2. Prepare Sheets: I write my name at the top of a sheet of paper and distribute the large sheets of paper and writing utensils to all participants.
  3. Tape Sheets: I instruct everyone to write their name on the top of their sheet, then tape each person’s sheet to their back using sturdy tape, ensuring they can’t see it.
  4. Mingle: I encourage everyone to mingle and converse with one another, saying hello, introducing themselves, and spending a few moments together.
  5. Write First Impressions: After the conversation, I ask each person to write their first impression of the person they just spoke with as an adjective on the other person’s paper. Then, I instruct them to continue mingling with new people and repeating this process for 10-20 minutes or until everyone has several adjectives listed on their backs.
  6. Read Impressions: Once the activity is complete, I ask each person to introduce their neighbor and read the words written on their paper aloud, ensuring a positive and kind atmosphere by reminding participants not to allow any mean, rude, or critical words during this game.

Confidence: 95%

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Benefits of First Impressions

  • Encourages positive interactions: By instructing participants to write only kind and encouraging words, the game fosters a positive atmosphere and helps people make good first impressions of each other.
  • Breaks the ice effectively: The game is an excellent way for people who don’t know each other well to start conversations and get to know one another in a fun and relaxed setting.
  • Promotes self-awareness and self-reflection: By reading the adjectives and descriptive words written on their backs, participants can gain insight into how others perceive them and identify areas for improvement or further development.
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem: The game can help participants feel appreciated and valued by their peers, which can boost their confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improves social skills: Mingling with new people, introducing oneself, and engaging in small talk are all important social skills that the First Impressions icebreaker helps to develop and refine.
  • Creates a sense of community and belonging: By encouraging positive interactions and fostering a friendly atmosphere, the game can help create a sense of community and belonging among participants.
  • Provides entertainment and enjoyment: The game is fun and entertaining, making it an excellent way to liven up meetings, conferences, or social gatherings.

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Skills built with First Impressions

  • Communication skills: Playing the First Impressions icebreaker can help build communication skills as participants are encouraged to engage in conversations with new people and introduce themselves. This activity also promotes active listening as players try to come up with positive adjectives to describe their conversation partner.
  • Interpersonal skills: The game provides an opportunity for participants to interact with others and form connections, which can help build interpersonal skills such as empathy, respect, and understanding of different perspectives. By writing kind and encouraging words on each other’s papers, players also learn to appreciate and value one another’s unique qualities and strengths.
  • Self-confidence: The game can help build self-confidence as participants receive positive feedback and affirmations from their peers. This can boost their self-esteem and encourage them to participate more actively in group activities.
  • Creativity: Participants are encouraged to think creatively when coming up with adjectives to describe their conversation partners. This can help stimulate their imagination and improve their ability to think outside the box.
  • Social awareness: The game promotes social awareness as participants learn about each other’s interests, hobbies, and experiences. This can help build a sense of community and belonging among group members.
  • Resilience: Playing the First Impressions icebreaker requires resilience as participants may receive feedback that they were not expecting or do not agree with. Learning to handle such situations with grace and positivity is an important life skill.

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Why I like First Impressions

I appreciate the First Impressions icebreaker because it effectively encourages interaction and connection among participants. By writing positive adjectives on each other’s backs, we create a supportive environment that fosters trust and open communication. As an introvert, I find this game particularly helpful in prompting me to engage with others.

Additionally, the game allows for genuine first impressions to be formed without any preconceived notions or judgments. This can lead to more authentic relationships and better understanding between individuals. The fact that it is easy to set up, requires minimal materials, and can accommodate large groups makes it a versatile option for various settings.

The focus on writing only kind words reinforces positive behavior and discourages negativity, which I believe is essential for building healthy group dynamics. Overall, the First Impressions icebreaker is an engaging, inclusive, and uplifting activity that can help create a more connected and collaborative atmosphere.

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Tips for making First Impressions more inclusive

  • Tip: Provide a variety of writing utensils and paper colors. By offering different options for writing tools and paper shades, you can create a more inclusive environment that celebrates individuality and creativity. This simple act can make a big difference in helping participants feel valued and respected.
  • Tip: Offer visual aids to support communication. For those who are more comfortable with visual forms of communication or have processing challenges, consider providing visual aids such as icons, symbols, or illustrations. These resources can help facilitate interaction and ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience.
  • Tip: Encourage the use of person-first language. Remind participants to use language that respects each individual’s unique qualities and abilities. For example, instead of labeling someone as “disabled,” they should be referred to as “a person with a disability.” This approach fosters a more inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and respected.

Confidence: 85%

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Reflection questions for First Impressions

  1. What was your initial reaction when you first saw the words on your back? This question can help participants reflect on their self-perception and how it aligns with others’ perceptions of them.
  2. Which adjective described you the best and why? This question can encourage participants to think about their strengths and positive qualities as seen by others.
  3. What was your experience like when you wrote words on someone else’s back? This question can help participants reflect on how they perceive and interact with others.
  4. Did you discover any common themes or descriptive words used for you across different people? If so, what were they? This question can encourage participants to consider their personal brand and how they come across to others.
  5. How did this activity make you feel about yourself and the people around you? This question can help participants reflect on their social connections and relationships with others.
  6. Did any of your first impressions change over time as you interacted with more people? If so, how? This question can encourage participants to think about the dynamic nature of first impressions and how they can evolve over time.
  7. What did you learn about yourself and others through this activity? This question can help participants reflect on their personal growth and insights gained from the icebreaker.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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