A great activity for everyone

Sorts and Mingles

Unleash the Power of Common Interests with This Fun-Filled Icebreaker!

Sorts and Mingles
By Jon Zajac

What is Sorts and Mingles?

Sorts and Mingles is a fun icebreaker activity that gets people interacting and moving around. It's perfect for larger groups and can be played at any event where you want people to get to know each other better. The basic idea is that participants sort themselves into groups based on different criteria, then mingle and find others who belong to the same group.

To play Sorts and Mingles, start by giving everyone a list of categories or descriptive words. For example, you might have categories like "favorite color," "hometown," or "favorite hobby." Participants then move around the room and group up with others who share the same category. Once everyone is sorted, the groups mingle and find others who share the same category until everyone has met and chatted with several people.

The goals of Sorts and Mingles are to help people get to know each other in a fun and interactive way and break down social barriers. It's a great icebreaker for events like team-building sessions, conferences, or retreats, as it helps people feel more comfortable and connected.

Sorts and Mingles should be played when you want to encourage socialization and help participants get to know each other. It can be a great way to kick off an event and create a fun and energetic atmosphere. However, it might not be the best choice if you're short on time or have a group that is already familiar with each other.

To make Sorts and Mingles more fun, try adding in some interesting categories or trivia questions to spark conversation. You could also have participants switch groups several times to keep things lively and fresh. Ultimately, the key to a successful Sorts and Mingles activity is to keep it light and fun, and encourage everyone to get involved!

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Rules for Sorts and Mingles

  1. The game is divided into two parts: “Sorts” and “Mingle.”
  2. In the “Sorts” game, the moderator announces contrasting choices (e.g., dogs vs. cats), and participants move to either the east or west side of the room based on their preference.
  3. The moderator then announces another set of choices, and participants move to the north or south side of the room accordingly.
  4. Each participant must move to a designated area during each “Sorts” round; they cannot remain in the middle or “get lost” in the crowd.
  5. After completing several rounds of “Sorts,” the group transitions to the “Mingle” game.
  6. In the “Mingle” game, the moderator announces a general category (e.g., favorite hobby), and participants move around the room to find others with the same answer.
  7. After about 30 seconds to one minute, the moderator asks each group to call out their answers.
  8. If a participant has a unique answer and cannot form a group, that’s okay.
  9. The “Mingle” game continues with different categories announced by the moderator.
  10. Both halves of the Sorts and Mingles icebreaker activity help participants introduce themselves in a fun and interactive format.

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Setting up for Sorts and Mingles

To set up for the Sorts and Mingles icebreaker activity, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a moderator: This person will be responsible for leading the game and making sure everyone is engaged and having fun.
  2. Select a location: The game can be played indoors or outdoors, but it is best suited for a space with clear boundaries, such as a room with walls or a fenced-in area. Make sure there is enough space for people to move around comfortably.
  3. Divide the space: If you are playing indoors, use tape or other markers to divide the room into four quadrants (east, west, north, and south). If you are playing outdoors, you can use natural landmarks or cones to mark the boundaries of each quadrant.
  4. Prepare the categories: The moderator should come up with a list of contrasting choices for the “Sorts” part of the game, as well as a list of general categories for the “Mingle” part of the game. Make sure the categories are broad enough to apply to a wide range of people, but specific enough to spark interesting conversations.
  5. Explain the rules: Before starting the game, the moderator should explain the rules and expectations to all participants. This includes reminding everyone to be respectful and inclusive, and to listen actively when others are speaking.

Remember, the goal of this icebreaker is to help people get to know each other and have fun, so make sure the setup is comfortable and inviting for everyone involved.

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How to play Sorts and Mingles

  1. Gather the group: Bring together a group of people who want to participate in the Sorts and Mingles icebreaker activity.
  2. Explain the game: Briefly explain the rules of Sorts and Mingles to the group. Let them know that the goal is to mingle and sort themselves into different categories based on a given criteria.
  3. Choose a criteria: Decide on a criteria that the participants will use to sort themselves. For example, it could be something like ‘favorite color’ or ‘birth month’. Make sure the criteria is easy to understand and can be easily identified by others.
  4. Assign sorting roles: Designate a few participants as ‘sorters’. Their role is to observe and help guide others into the correct groups based on the chosen criteria. Make sure the sorters understand their role and the criteria as well.
  5. Start mingling: Encourage everyone to start mingling and finding others who fit into the same category based on the chosen criteria. They can ask questions or share information to figure out where they belong.
  6. Sort into groups: As people interact and figure out where they belong, the sorters can help organize them into different groups based on the criteria. The idea is for everyone to sort themselves into the appropriate groups, guided by the sorters if needed.
  7. Reflect and discuss: Once everyone has sorted themselves into groups, take a moment to reflect and discuss. You can ask questions like ‘How did you find your group?’ or ‘Was it challenging to sort yourselves?’. This allows everyone to share their experiences and learn more about each other.
  8. Repeat or move on: If time allows and the group is enjoying it, you can choose another criteria and play again. Otherwise, you can move on to the next activity or discussion.

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Benefits of Sorts and Mingles

  • Builds team spirit: Playing Sorts and Mingles helps to create a sense of togetherness among team members by breaking down barriers and encouraging collaboration.
  • Improves communication skills: This icebreaker requires participants to communicate effectively with each other, improving their ability to express themselves and listen to others.
  • Fosters creativity: The game promotes creativity by challenging participants to come up with unique solutions to the sorting and mingling tasks.
  • Enhances problem-solving skills: Sorts and Mingles presents various tasks that require creative problem-solving skills, challenging participants to think outside the box.
  • Reduces stress: Playing this game can help to reduce stress levels, as it provides a fun, light-hearted way to interact with team members.
  • Encourages participation: Sorts and Mingles is an inclusive activity that encourages all team members to participate, improving team dynamics and morale.

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Why I like Sorts and Mingles

We like Sorts and Mingles because it's a fun and engaging way for participants to get to know each other. The game encourages conversation and helps break the ice in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Reflection questions for Sorts and Mingles

  1. What was your favorite mingle and why? - This question encourages individuals to reflect on what made a particular mingle their favorite and can reveal personal preferences and interests.
  2. Were there any sorts or mingles that you found challenging or uncomfortable, and why? - This question prompts individuals to think about any difficulties they may have had during the activity, allowing them to process and potentially overcome any discomfort they may have felt.
  3. Did you learn anything new about yourself or others during the activity? - This question encourages reflection on personal growth and the discovery of new things about oneself or others, fostering a sense of self-awareness and understanding.
  4. How did the activity help to break the ice and facilitate connections between group members? - This question prompts individuals to think about the benefits of the activity and how it helped to create a more comfortable and connected environment for group members.
  5. What strategies did you use to approach the activity and ensure participation from others? - This question encourages individuals to reflect on their own participation in the activity and think about how they may have helped to facilitate participation from others, promoting a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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