A great activity for everyone

Late Arrivals

Introduce the Most Hilariously-Named Guests at Themed Balls in this Entertaining Parlor Game!

Late Arrivals
By Jon Zajac

What is Late Arrivals?

The Late Arrivals Game is a lighthearted icebreaker designed to entertain and engage groups of people, typically 6-8 individuals or teams. As the facilitator, you kick off the game by selecting a theme for the “ball,” such as the Builders’ Ball or the Dog Lovers’ Ball. Participants take turns acting as the toastmaster, introducing fictional guests who fit the chosen theme with humorous names that play on the theme. For instance, at an Animal Ball, you might introduce “Mr. and Mrs. Raffe and their daughter Jay” (Giraffe). The game encourages creativity and laughter, making it a great choice for parties or social gatherings. Since generating clever names can be challenging on the spot, participants may find it helpful to prepare in advance or play in teams.

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Rules for Late Arrivals

  1. Decide on a theme for the ball that will be the basis for all late arrivals.
  2. Players take turns being the toastmaster, introducing fictional guests to the ball.
  3. Introductions must relate to the theme and strive to be amusing.
  4. Follow the model: “I’d like to introduce Mr./Mrs. X and their son/daughter…[clever name]”
  5. Encourage creativity and humor in naming the late arrivals.
  6. Play in teams of about three for better preparation and varied themes.
  7. Keep playing, taking turns coming up with additional names until no more can be thought of.
  8. The winner may be determined by continuing when others have given up or by group consensus on the funniest team.

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Materials needed for Late Arrivals

  • Theme for the ball: Decided by the facilitator, this sets the stage for the game by determining what all late arrivals have in common.
  • List of players: A group of 6-8 people (or teams of three) who will take turns being the toastmaster and introducing fictional guests to the ball.
  • Creative minds: This game relies on the players’ ability to think creatively, come up with amusing names, and maintain the theme of the ball. Prior warning about the game and allowing time to brainstorm ideas can help facilitate this.
  • Optional: Team assignments or individual themes: If playing in teams, each group could have a different theme or ball, which adds variety to the introductions and increases creativity.

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Setting up for Late Arrivals

To set up for the Late Arrivals icebreaker game, follow this procedure for the preparation and facilitation aspects:

  1. Theme Selection: As the host or facilitator, decide on a theme for the ball that will be the basis for introducing fictional guests. Examples include “Builders’ Ball,” “Cake Eaters’ Ball,” “Churchgoers’ Ball,” “Policeman’s Ball,” “Animal Ball,” “Gardeners’ Ball,” “Undertakers’ Ball,” “Cheesemongers’ Ball,” “Dog Lovers’ Ball,” and “Foodie’s Ball.”
  2. Player Grouping: Determine the group size for playing, which works best with 6-8 people playing individually or in teams of about three. If you opt for teams, consider assigning different themes to each team to add variety.
  3. Explanation and Model: Clearly explain the rules and structure of the game to the participants. Provide an example introduction, such as “Mr. and Mrs. Raffe and their daughter Jay!” (Giraffe) from the Animal Ball theme, so they understand the format.
  4. Turn-taking: Establish a turn-taking order for each player or team to introduce their fictional guests, following the established model. Encourage creativity, humor, and adherence to the chosen theme.
  5. Game Duration: Decide on the game’s duration or determine a stopping condition, such as when one group cannot come up with any more names, or when the host or all players agree that a team has won based on funniness or continuity of responses.
  6. Icebreaker Objective: Remind participants that this activity is meant to be an icebreaker and aims to encourage social interaction and creativity among attendees.

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How to play Late Arrivals

  1. Decide on the theme of the ball: As the host, I choose a common thread that connects the late arrivals to the ball. This could be anything from builders to foodies. The theme sets the stage for the game and helps players come up with creative names.
  2. Understand the game dynamic: In this game, each player takes turns being the toastmaster of a fancy ball, introducing fictional guests that match the chosen theme. Cleverness and humor are encouraged, so allow your creativity to shine!
  3. Plan ahead: Since it can be challenging to come up with names on the spot, consider discussing ideas with your group beforehand or playing in teams. This will ensure you have some inspiration when it’s your turn to introduce late arrivals.
  4. Follow the naming pattern: Each player should follow the format “I’d like to introduce Mr./Mrs. X and their son/daughter…[clever name]” while incorporating elements of the theme into the names. For example, at an animal-themed ball, you could introduce a family named “Mr. and Mrs. Giraffe with their daughter Jay.”
  5. Take turns introducing late arrivals: Players take turns coming up with new characters to introduce until everyone has had multiple opportunities or when the group runs out of ideas.
  6. Determine the winner: There are no strict rules for determining the winner, but typically, the game continues until one player or team can no longer come up with names, or the host and players agree that a particular individual or team was the funniest throughout the game.

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Benefits of Late Arrivals

  • Encourages Creativity: The Late Arrivals icebreaker requires players to come up with creative names and descriptions that fit the theme of the ball. This can help to stimulate the imagination and promote creative thinking.
  • Fosters a Sense of Belonging: By having a theme that ties all the late arrivals together, this game creates a sense of unity and belonging among players. It helps participants feel connected to each other through shared laughter and amusement.
  • Improves Communication Skills: As players take turns introducing their fictional characters, they practice public speaking and communication skills in a fun and supportive environment. This can help build confidence when speaking in front of groups.
  • Eases Tension: The lighthearted nature of the Late Arrivals icebreaker helps to create a relaxed atmosphere, making it easier for participants to feel comfortable with one another. Laughter and humor can ease tension and make people more open to socializing.
  • Enhances Group Dynamics: By encouraging collaboration and teamwork, this game fosters positive group dynamics. Players work together to come up with the most creative or amusing names, building rapport and strengthening relationships within the group.

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Skills built with Late Arrivals

  • Creativity: Playing the Late Arrivals icebreaker encourages players to think creatively and come up with amusing and witty names that fit the theme of the ball. This helps in developing the skill of thinking outside the box and generating unique ideas.
  • Public Speaking: The game provides an opportunity for players to practice their public speaking skills by introducing fictional characters in a clear and engaging manner. This can help build confidence when speaking in front of others.
  • Vocabulary: The Late Arrivals icebreaker can also help improve vocabulary as players try to come up with names that fit the theme of the ball. They may need to research or brainstorm words related to the theme, which can expand their knowledge and use of language.
  • Teamwork: When played in teams, this game encourages collaboration and communication among team members. Each player brings their own ideas and perspectives, which can lead to more creative and diverse names. Working together towards a common goal can also strengthen relationships and build trust among team members.
  • Listening Skills: Paying attention to the names and themes introduced by previous players is essential for coming up with relevant and funny names. This requires active listening skills and the ability to build upon others’ ideas.

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Why I like Late Arrivals

I appreciate the Late Arrivals icebreaker because it encourages creativity and humor in a relaxed, low-pressure setting. The game’s structure, where each player takes on the role of a toastmaster introducing fictional guests to a themed ball, makes it easy for participants to engage and contribute without feeling overwhelmed.

Moreover, I enjoy that this icebreaker can be adapted to various themes, allowing hosts to tailor it to their audience and occasion. The flexibility also enables players to showcase their unique perspectives and humor through the clever names they invent.

Another reason why I like the Late Arrivals icebreaker is its potential for inclusivity. Since there are no definitive right or wrong answers, participants can feel free to share their ideas without fear of judgment. This aspect fosters a supportive environment where everyone’s contributions are valued, making it easier to connect with others and form meaningful relationships.

In summary, I like the Late Arrivals icebreaker because it offers an enjoyable, engaging, and inclusive way for participants to express their creativity and get to know one another.

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Tips for making Late Arrivals more inclusive

  • Consider using a variety of themes: By choosing themes that represent different interests and backgrounds, you can ensure that all players feel included and represented in the game.
  • Encourage creativity over accuracy: Emphasize the importance of being funny and creative, rather than trying to come up with names that are strictly related to the theme. This can help players feel more comfortable participating, even if they’re not familiar with the topic.
  • Consider using prompts or clues: If some players are struggling to come up with names, consider providing prompts or clues that relate to the theme. This can help spark their creativity and make them feel more included in the game.
  • Allow for flexibility in team size: While playing in teams of three can be helpful, don’t insist on this being the only option. Allow players to form pairs or smaller groups if they prefer, or even play individually if that works better for them.
  • Create a welcoming and supportive environment: Make sure all players feel welcome and supported throughout the game. Encourage laughter and applause for each introduction, and create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable being silly and having fun.
  • Consider using name tags or badges: Using name tags or badges can help players remember each other’s names and build connections throughout the game. This can be especially helpful if some players are meeting for the first time.
  • Adapt the game as needed: Finally, don’t be afraid to adapt the game as needed to make it more inclusive and accessible for all players. This might mean changing the theme, adjusting the rules, or providing additional support and guidance along the way.

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Reflection questions for Late Arrivals

  1. What did you enjoy most about playing the Late Arrivals Game? This question can help facilitators understand what aspects of the game were engaging and fun for participants, allowing them to make improvements for future sessions.
  2. How do you think this game helped break the ice between players? By asking this question, facilitators can gather insights into how well the game achieved its intended purpose as an icebreaker and establish a better rapport among participants.
  3. Did you find it challenging to come up with clever names for your theme? Why or why not? This question will help facilitators understand any difficulties participants faced while playing the game, which can be used to modify rules or provide additional guidance in future iterations.
  4. What strategies did you use when coming up with new names and introductions? Understanding the strategies participants employed during the game can help facilitators identify best practices that can be shared with others, enhancing their experience.
  5. How would you rate your own creativity in this activity compared to other group activities? This question will allow facilitators to gauge how well the Late Arrivals Game fosters creative thinking among participants and compare it to alternative activities.
  6. Did working in pairs or teams enhance your experience during the game? Why or why not? By asking this question, facilitators can determine if collaborative work was beneficial for the game and consider whether to incorporate teamwork into future icebreakers.
  7. How could the Late Arrivals Game be improved or modified to make it even more engaging and entertaining? This question encourages constructive feedback, enabling facilitators to refine the game based on participant suggestions and preferences.

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About the author

Jon Zajac

Jon Zajac

Founder & Chief Icebreaker

I started Icebreaker Spot because I truly believe that strong connections are the foundation of successful teams. I wanted to create a platform that would make it easy for people to find and share icebreakers and team building activities, empowering them to build trust, foster collaboration, and ultimately, achieve greatness together.

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